Chapter 9

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* Y/N POV *

"YOU KNEW!" you yelled at Riku after you barged into his room startling him

"What? Y/n what are you talking about?" he asked

"Don't act stupid Riku. You knew about what was going to happen to me. about Organization 13 taking my power, and I was going to die. And you didn't tell me!" you said starting to tear up

Riku looked at you shocked

"y/n how did you find that out"

"Really Riku. That's what you have to say. Not sorry for not telling you about you might be killed and I should just warn you ahead of time. Jee thanks." you said

"I'm really sorry y/n. I was going to tell you. I was, but I just wanted to protect yo-"

"Protect me" you scoffed "It's all about protecting me. Was all of that training worth nothing then?"

"No of course not. That was really supposed to make you stronger. I just want to keep you safe because I care so much about you. And I don't want to lose you." he said taking a step towards you. But you stepped back

"I'm sorry Riku. But, I just can't right now. Does everyone else know?" you asked

"Yes. They do" he said

And with that you walked out and slammed the door going to talk to Yen Sid


"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Riku said angrily as he paced back and forth in his room.

He picked up a lamp and threw it across the room hitting the wall shattering glass everywhere.


* Y/N POV * 

You were marching down the hallway going to Master Yen Sid's room going to talk to him ready to get answers. You knocked on the door.

"Master, may I come in?"

"Yes" he said

"We need to have a little talk." you said

"Yes. I see you have figured out what Organization 13s true intentions were with you and your power." he said looking down

"I'm guessing Riku told you right away once he found out"

"Yes he did. And you shouldn't be mad at him y/n. All he was trying to do was protect you."

"But he kept this secret from me. All of you did. I've should have been the first to know about this so I could be ready ahead of time if they attacked me. They could attack me out of nowhere not even saying why and then steal my power. Then what. I'd be gone, fall to the Dark. What would happen next?" you said holding back tears

"We would find every way to get you and your light back. Because that's what he do here." 


You turn around and see him standing at the door

"I'm sorry to intrude, but I just wanted to talk to y/n. Y/n, Riku is really upset right now. He knows what he did was wrong, and he really cares about you. But if you did fall to the dark, if you lost your light, I, we would get it back. Want to know why? Because My Friends Are My Power. And I'm Theirs. And we never give up on each other." Sora said

You looked at Sora shocked. A little tear slid down you cheek and you whipped it quickly.

"Wow Sora. That was some speech" you said giving a small laugh. Everyone else laughed too

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