Chapter 11

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* Y/N POV *

Today's the day. The day we face Organization 13. And the day where I find out if it's my destiny to fall to darkness.(I'm just saying I so it's easier hehe)

I was snapped out my thoughts when Riku came into my view

"Hey. you ok?" he asked me

"Yeah. yeah I/m fine" I said looking down

He lifted your chin making you look at him in his beautiful sea green eyes.

"Hey. Everything is going to be ok. I won't let them hurt you." he said

"And I won't let them hurt you"

He gave you a kiss on the forehead and hugged you. You loved his hugs. He was so warm and you felt safe. 

But little did you know, this day was not going to be as planned for you and him.

* Skipped to Keyblade Graveyard *

Everyone gets off the Gummyship and you take in the deserted world.

"Woah" you said quietly to yourself

"Look. Someone's coming" Kairi said as she pointed in that direction

But it wasn't just one person. As they came closer to view, it was all 13 Organization members. Riku then put you behind his back protectively

(I freaking love writing this. It's so cute :D )

 You put on a brave face, but to be honest, you were scared. But you didn't show it.

"You all showed up to protect one little girl. You all just met her weeks ago and she's that important to you. Wow. I'm impressed." (the old) Xehanort said

"Of course she's important to us" Aqua said

"She's our friend" Sora said

"One of us" Mickey then said

"hmmm. It'll be sad for her to go. And it'll be devastating for all of you."

"You will NOT got near her" Riku said

"Oh man. Did you finally get with her. I'm so proud" Replica Riku said

"Let's just get this over with. I'm losing my patients." Xehanort said

"Yes sir" the members said

They all disappeared and took each of the Guardians of Light with them leaving just me, Riku, Xehanort, and Replica Riku standing in the big field. 

"Listen. You don't have to do this. There has to be another way." Riku said pleadingly

"Well there isn't" the other Riku said

"Take care of him, I'll get her." Xehanort said


Replica Riku then started to attack Riku swinging his Keyblade back and forth. Meanwhile, Xehanort was casually walking up to y/n getting ready to steal her power.

"Please, you don't have to do this." you said

"Yes. I do."

He took out his Keyblade ready to stab her when you took out your own to stop it and you were shocked. He was as well. You then pushed him back. He started to get angry.

"You are going to lose either was so stop fighting!" he said lunging at her

You dodged to the right avoiding his attack. Doing that every time he swung his Keyblade at you. You would swing and hit your Keyblade with his every so often and get a hit or two, but then, you were distracted when you heard a grunt. You saw Riku on the ground. Struggling to get up where he was fighting his other self.

The Unknown Guardian of Light (Riku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now