Chapter 2

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(That's your Keyblade. Unless you have another one in mind that's ok too :D )

"Oh my god. What the hell just happened" you said.

You were shocked. You didn't really know how to react to all of this. You're a Guardian of Light. And you don't even know what that is. And there are these monster creatures after you, and some evil guy in a black robe that only likes Darkness. WHAT!

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N"

"Huh, what?" you were too busy stuck in your head you weren't paying attention to Mickey.

"Are you ok y/n. Did he hurt you?" he asked

"Other than being creepy, no. he didn't hurt me. But he was about to tell me something about me being the new...Guardian of Light. Whatever that is."

Mickey was silent

"Was he right! Do you know something about this too!" you screamed annoyed

"y/n please come to my castle and can we talk there. It'll be more private and hope that he won't come back."


* Time Skip to castle*

We were all sitting down at a table in a nice living room and waiting for Mickey to come in and tell me what all this Guardian of Light was all about. 

"Finally you're here. Can you tell me what all of this is about now. Please" You asked as nicely as possible.

"I'm sorry y/n. I can't. Someone else has to tell you. Someone way wiser than me. More powerful. He'll teach you and show you the way of being a Guardian and a new Keyblade Wielder."

"Wait. So you're telling me. The only way to find my answer is to go with you and to talk to someone else."

"He only requested to speak with you y/n." Mickey said

"I know it's a tough decision, but, if you want to know what your future lies ahead of you, and what power you behold. You have to come with me." Mickey said

After thinking long and hard you finally accepted it. You had to know about yourself. this whole GOL( Guardian of Light) business. After packing everything you needed, you got on the Gummy ship, and readied for Yen Sid's tower.

* Mickey's POV *

We've finally got our new GOL. Yen Sid will be so happy. I already contacted him.

"y/n there are a couple things you should know before we get to the tower. Especially about the other Guardians of Light." he said

"Ok" y/n said

" First off. The names of them are, Sora, Riku, Ventus, Roxas, Aqua, Kairi, Axel, Xion, Terra, Donald, and Goofy. And counting me. I'm also a GOL."

"Oh that's cool"

"About Ventus and Roxas. They are identical to each other. Literally identical. So to tell them apart, Ventus had an armor thing on his left shoulder, and Roxas has an X zipper on his shirt."

"Oh. Ok. It shouldn't be too hard. But how do they look alike?" you asked

"Oh boy. It's a long story. Well. It all started with Sora when he was little. He bonded with Ven's heart. Ven was in a battle with his other half Vanitas."

"Wait who's Vanitas?"

"Vanitas is the darkness of Ven's heart. Xehanort ripped him out because he wanted Ven to fall into darkness. But because he didn't want to, Xehanort did that to him, and that because Vanitas. But Vanitas looks just like Sora, so be careful."

"awww poor Ven. Now I really want to kick Xehanort's ass"

"Ok back to it. Ven and Vanitas had to battle each other to form to X - Blade for Xehanort. They joined together and they ended up battling each other once again. They struck each other down and after that Ven's heart never returned to him." Mickey said

"So you're saying Ven's heart had been inside Sora's for all of these years? That's crazy" you said

"But how does that explain Roxas?"

"Roxas is Sora's Nobody"

"Sora's what?" you asked confused

"When you get killed or pass on, your heart becomes a Heartless. Those little black creatures that attacked you. And your empty body becomes a Nobody. But, when your Heartless and Nobody are both taken out, you're recompleted and that's called a Somebody." he said

"Wow. This is something to take in." you said

"Yeah. Ha ha. Its a lot. Back to it then. Kairi's heart was missing from hers and it ended up inside Sora's. Their world was taken over by Darkness and they all got separated. Riku was possessed by Xehanort and became a guy named Ansem. The only way to free Kairi's heart was through a special Keyblade. Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade and released Kairi's heart. And it also released his too. And remember it still had Ven's heart within him. Now when you vanish you become a Heartless and a Nobody. Sora was strong enough to not fight against Donald Goofy and Kairi. Kairi brought Sora back. But what I think with Roxas, is I think he was so moved with Ven's personality, and his strength that he decided to take his form. And that's why Roxas looks like Ven. Now why Ven look's like Roxas."(My actual theory)

"Oh wow. Sora risks so much for his friends. Doesn't he."

"Yeah. He does"

"Now Axel used to be in Organization 13, but he decided to stand by our side and fight against them. He has a Keyblade now."

"Wow really? Hm"

"Aqua and Terra both had it rough too. They both fell to darkness, but we luckily pulled them back."

"That's good." you said

"What about that guy Riku? You said he fell to Darkness?" you asked

"Yes. Riku also fell to Darkness. He was possessed by Xehanort and because Ansem like I said before. But me and him stayed behind the Door of Darkness so no more Heartless could get out for at least a while. When we got out Riku was much older. He still has some Darkness in his heart, but he's more light than dark. You'll see when you meet him. You'll like him." Mickey said

"Ok. Cool. I'm glad everyone's ok." you said

"Yeah. Me too." Mickey said

"Oh look. We're here. y/n welcome to Master Yen Sid's Tower."

"Wow" you said

Once you got out you looked up at the sky and you saw all the stars. They looked so beautiful.

"Come on y/n. The Master's waiting." Mickey said with a smile

"Coming" you said happily. You were kind of excited. Who knew what was going to happen on the other side of the door.

"You ready?" Mickey asked

You nodded your head

Knock Knock Knock

"We're back Master"

"Welcome back Mickey. And welcome y/n. It's nice to finally meet you."

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