Chapter 6

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* Y/N POV *

"Ughhhhh." you said tiredly

You flopped down on your bed after a hard day of training with Riku. He really knows how to push your buttons when it comes to training. But you knew this was going to be hard. Your body was aching after the times you fell on your butt trying to attack him from different angles but never landed one hit.

* Flashback *

"Come on y/n I know you can land a hit." Riku said

"Can't ya see I'm trying" you said as you got up off the floor

You got back in your stance and attacked him. He dodged each attack, moving left and right. Ducking under your swings, and everything you throw at him. But one moment surprised both of you. You attacked by his feet and he jumped while tripping you. You ended up tripping him as well and he fell on top of you, while you were on the bottom. You were both staring into each others eyes when Mickey called for Riku to talk to him. They got off each other and Riku extended his arm for you to take to help you up.

"Thanks." you said

"You're welcome." he said "and sorry about that" he said scratching the back of his neck

"No. It's fine." you said as your face turned slightly pink

His did as well

"Well I'll see you later y/n. And good job today. You're improving."

"Even though I kept falling on my ass"

"You still did goo. You'll get there. It just takes time." he said

He waved and then walked out the door

* End of Flashback *

"Not one. Single. Hit. How does he do it. I wonder if Riku is single. No! Stop y/n you can't think about romance right now."

You got up and started pacing back and forth in your room

"Yeah he's cute and all, but you're a Keyblade Wielder now. And a new Guardian of Light. No time for romance. Maybe?. No. Wait. Why am I talking to myself? But there's nothing wrong with doing that. Everyone does it." you said

"You got away from your thoughts and hopped in the shower, changed and went to go eat with the other Keyblade Wielders. You walked in the dining hall to see everyone sitting and eating.

"Hey y/n" Sora said

"Hey Sora. What's up?" you said

"Nothin much. How was training with Riku this morning?" he asked

You blushed a little looking down trying not to make eye contact with him because of the incident that happened with you and him.

"It was good. He said I was improving." you said

"And she is." Riku said as he walking into the dining hall with Mickey

"Well that's good" Mickey said

You grabbed your food, sat down and ate not making eye contact with Riku because if you did it you knew it would be awkward and you would turn into a tomato. But you still had to face him. You still had to train with him.

* Time skip after because I can : D hehe )

Roxas told you about this world called Twilight Town and you wanted to go check it out for yourself. They all insisted of someone going with you, but you wanted to go by yourself. Get alone time to check out these new worlds. He also said try out Sea Salt Ice Cream and go sit up on the Clock Tower to watch the sunset. Once you got to Twilight Town, you were in awe. It was a never ending sunset world with buildings all over. It was amazing.(I wish I could live in Twilight Town :D )

"Wow. This is amazing." you said

You got your Sea Salt Ice Cream and you were trying to find the Clock Tower until you spotted it.

"There it is" you said

You walked up all the stairs until you said

"Jeez. What a hike." you said out of breath"

But once you looked straight ahead, you saw the beautiful sunset from high above.

"Now I know why Roxas, Xion, and Axel love to come up here so much." you said as you sat down on the ledge.

You licked your ice cream and said

"Hmmm, it's salty, yet sweet. I like it." you laughed and continued eating it until you finished it.

Once you were done you looked at the stick and it said 'WINNER' on it.

"I wonder what this means?" you silently asked yourself. "I'll just ask Roxas when I get back" you shrugged.

When you were about to get up, someone behind you said.....

"Yes, go ask Roxas what that word means why don't you?"

You recognized that voice.

"Really Riku. You had to follow me I told you, I wanted to be alone." you said as nicely as possible

You get up, turn around and see a young man that has silver hair, yellow eyes, and black robe on.

"Riku. Is that you?" you asked

"Why hello to you to y/n. It's nice to meet you as well." he said sarcastically

"Why do you look like that?" you asked getting scared

"Oh didn't Riku tell you his story. I'll give you a second or two for you to figure it out." he said with a smirk

"Woah woah woah. Hold up. You're saying you're his past Riku self. From when Ansem possessed him. How are you here?"

"Well y/n," he said stepping closer as you took a step back. he smirked once again.

"I had to play by the rules of time travel and leave my body behind."

"So you're saying you're not real. But you have a body."

"Well Organization 13, is doing the replica project once again, and-"

"And you're a replica!" you said 

"Well, well, well. Someone's catching up." he said

"That's what the other you said in this time." you said with a little smile, but a little annoyed looking back

"Aww does y/n have a crush on me?" he said stepping close again, but you stepping back

"Pff. W-what no of course not. I have no time for romance now." you said

You finally took out your Keyblade.

"Now, if you're going to do something do it, or leave. Now!" you said

"Ha. I just wanted to meet the new Guardian of Light. No harm done." he said

"No harm done? No harm done? First that Xehanort guy now you? What are you and you evil Nobodies up to?" you said this time stepping closer to him

"That, my dear friend, is none of your concern. But it was nice to meet you. We'll definitely see each other again." he said

He winked and then he disappeared into a dark portal. My Keyblade disappeared and you let out a deep breath now that he was gone. You have to get back to Yen Sid's Tower and tell him and everyone else of what just went down.

 Why do the Organization members keep visiting and want to meet you? And what is their plan?


I am not finished writing so please stay tuned please :D


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