Chapter 5

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"Dang it!" you said as you fell on your butt

You're in the middle of training right now with Aqua waiting for Riku to come back. She just swept you off your feet making you fall on your back.

"You're improving y/n. I promise." she said reaching for your hand

You gave her your hand saying thanks and began to fight again with your Keyblades. Today was the first day of training. And many more to go. It was going to be rough but, it's worth it. You attack Aqua with your Keyblade swinging it at different angles, trying to get a good shot. When your Keyblades are both collided together you try to look for an opening. Then you have an idea. You hook your Keyblade with hers, swing around and make her Keyblade fly out of her hands. You then kick your foot from under her own and she falls and you have your Keyblade to her head winning the training battle.

"Well done y/n. Well done. I've never seen anything like that before" Aqua said.

You back away and said

"I was just trying to look for an opening." you said and laughed

* Riku's POV *

I just got back to Yen Sid's Tower and I hear everyone is in the training room. When I go in there I see Aqua training with some new girl. That must be the new Keyblade Wielder. Right when I walked in I couldn't get a good look at her, but when I saw that trick she did with her Keyblade, I knew she was special.

"So she's the new Guardian huh Mickey?" he said

"Yup. What do you think?" Mickey said

"I think she'll fit in just fine."

After she was finished her training and she got her hair out of her way, I saw her face. And I just have to say, she was beautiful.

* Y/N POV *

Your Keyblade vanished after you were done and you went up to Mickey going to ask how that was. But when you did, you saw a tall silver haired boy around your age(you're like 17-18)in here)

"Hey Mickey. How'd I do?" you asked

"That was awesome y/n. And I'd like you to meet Riku. Who wasn't here yesterday." he said

"Sorry about that. It's nice to meet you y/n" Riku said reaching out for your hand

When you touched it, it was warm and soft. Comforting. Not to mention he's cute as he- 'No y/n. No time for romance now'

"It's nice to meet you too Riku. And it's ok." you said

"Riku. Master Yen Sid said you will be the one training y/n until she is ready to fight. Although she is tough already, she still is new to all of this." Mickey said

"Ok. That's fine with me" Riku said with a smile

You smiled too and turned a slight shade of pink trying to hide it looking down.

"We'll let you guys start training and see you soon." Mickey said

"Ok. See you Mickey." Riku said

And with that everyone left and it was just Riku and you in the training room, It was just silent at first and then he broke it with

"Ok. First of all, I just have to say, I am really impressed on what you did with Aqua. That was pretty cool." he said

"Really you saw that. And you thought it was just cool?" you said with a smile and a little laugh "I thought it was awesome."

"Yeah. that too. You'll have to teach it to me." he said

"Sure. But aren't you the one who should be teaching me?" you said with a smirk

Trying not to be too flirty

"True. Very true. But first let's get to know each other so I know you better. Here. Take a seat."

You sat in front of him looking into those beautiful deep sea green eyes. 'Snap out of it y/n'

"So what do you want to know about me?" you asked

"Where you're from, just anything about you so I know you better." he said

:Ok then. I'm y/n, I'm (17 or 18) years old, I've always lived in Radiant Garden with my family. I have two friends. B/f and B/f (best friend)umm. My life really isn't all that exciting. Well I mean it is now. I'll always stand up for people. That's how I got me Keyblade in the first place. Those little black creatures with yellow eyes, Heartless I think is what you call them, they were attacking my friends. So I ran over to tham and jumped in front of them telling them to back off. Hoping they would go away at some point. Then the next thing I know, my Keyblade shows up in my hand and I easily take them all out. Then and hour or two later some more Heartless come around, I take some more out, then some guy named Xehanort shows up and is talking to me and-"

"Wait a minute. Did you just say Xehanort?" Riku asked a little shocked

"Yeah why?"

"Did he hurt you, or touch you"

"No. He was the first one to tell me I was the new Guardian of Light. The luckily Mickey shows up and tells me who he truly is." you said

"What did this Xehanort look like" Riku asked

"Ummm, he had white hair, he was wearing a long black coat, he was young-"

"So he's got his younger self back"

"Is there another version of Xehanort?" you asked

"There's this really old Xehanort. The original Xehanort. But he took his heart to go back in time to go tell his younger self of the big plans he had in store for the future. And the peace he left behind became Xemnas. His Nobody and he created the original Organization 13. Long story short, we all took that one out and now there's a new one and we have to do this all over again. And now we have you which will make us even stronger." Riku said

"Wow. So, this Organization 13, are they all made up of Nobodies?" you asked

"Yes they are. Good job, you're catching on"

"Be quiet" you said slightly hitting his shoulder

"So I kind of know about you. Mickey told me what happened to you. What happened in the past. How you fell into Dark-. I don't even want to say it. Because I know that you would never do it on purpose." you said

"That's not true. I forced myself into Darkness. I wanted power. I wasn't afraid of the dark. Maleficent, she tricked me into thinking Sora abandoned me for Donald and Goofy. And then I let Xehanort take control of me. That's how Ansem was made. I will always have Darkness in my heart. But I know that it's full of light now. But It'll always still be there." he said that with a slight tear rolling down his cheek

"Riku" you got down on your knees so you were right in front of him. You picked up his head.

"It was not your fault. You're right. Maleficent did trick you. Because she is evil. That's what she does. You would never do something like that. I know I just met you but I know you have a good heart. And I know you say you have Darkness in it, but all I can see is pure light."

You wiped the tear off of his cheek and you were debating back and forth on giving him a hug or not but you said what the hell. You hugged him and he was tense and first but he hugged back. You guy pulled away looking into each others eyes and you then cleared your throat breaking the tension.

"Thank you y/n. I needed that." he said


"Ok. Let's start with some easy stance attacks, and then, we'll get down to business."


I'm not finished writing so please stay tuned


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