Chapter 10

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* Y/N POV *

"Ok chosen one's. It is now time for the Keyblade War to begin. We now all know what Organization 13 wants. What their priority is right now. And that is y/n. We have to keep her safe. Y/n, your training has progressed throughout the weeks with Riku. And you are stronger than ever with your Keyblade." Master Yen Sid said

(Keyblade up top, or as I said before in the previous chapters if you had another Keyblade in mind you can use that one :) )

"Yes Master. y/n has gotten stronger with every training session, and I will stand by her side in battle no matter what." Riku said

You turned a slight shade a red when he said that a tried to hide it

"Thank you Riku." you said

"We all will protect y/n. Even though we know she's a bad ass" Axel said

You laughed at this

"Thanks Axel"

"Just remember I said that. Got it memorized?"

"Oh my god." you facepalmed yourself because after all the weeks you've been there, he's say that almost every other day. It was funny at first but then it got annoying

"Yes Axel I "Got it memorized" " you said putting quotes around it

"Hey y/n, don't worry. We're going to defeat the Organization again, and then they'll be gone for good." Roxas said putting his hand on your shoulder

"Thanks Roxas. And thank you everyone." you said looking at all the other Guardians in the room. Then looking at Riku who had a sad, and angry look on his face. You knew you had to talk to him after

But even before this meeting you got another warning saying his replica self might see you again. Yay. Everyone walked out and you ran to Riku.

"Hey Riku. Can we talk?"

"Sure." he said

We went into his room and sat down on his bed. You sat across from him.

"I know what's bothering you. And it's bothering me too. But please wipe that look off your face. I'm going to be fine. I have everyone looking out for me. I have yo-"

Before you could even finish, Riku leaned in for a kiss. You were shocked. Your eyes were wide open, looking down at the boy still kissing you. He pulled away.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry"

But you shut him up by grabbing his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. It was rough yet sweet. He grabbed your leg and now you were straddling him. He licked your bottom lip for entrance. You've never done this before, so you didn't let him. But when he grabbed your waist lifting your shirt up touching your skin you gasped allowing him to take his chance. Both of you enjoying every moment until he removed his lips from yours and moved them to your neck giving you soft kisses. You ran your fingers through his soft silver hair earning a groan from him. He didn't want to give you any hickies or love bites because he didn't know what you might say so he just kept kissing until he found your sweet spot. You bit your bottom lip trying not to let out a moan but it came out, but it was quiet. His lips came back up to yours and gave you another long and gentle kiss. You both pulled away and looked at each other. You both smiled and laid down and fell asleep in each others arms. You were thinking how great that felt and how much you liked Riku and how much Riku liked you. Let's just hope that everything goes as planned and nothing bad happens.

* Skip to Next Morning *

You start to toss and  turn in your sleep, not because of a nightmare, but because you're waking up. You feel some heat next you. It feels nice so you hug it tighter. That's until you remember what happened last night. Your eyes shot open and you slowly look up to see Riku looking down at you smiling. He then starts to play with your hair.

"Morning" he said in a hot morning groggy voice 

'Could someone get any hotter' you thought

"Morning" you said smiling back

You tried to get up but he pulled you back down until he was hovering on top of you

"Riku, you know we have to get up right?"

"I know, I know. Let me just enjoy the moment." he said

He then leaned down and kissed you. This time it was softer than last night. More passionate. You smiled into the kiss until he moved down to you neck again and started kissing.

"Riku, as much as I love your kisses, and this lovely moment"

"mhm" he said in between a kiss

"We have to get up and ready. You know the big battle is tomorrow. And just one more day to train before it all goes down. So we need to be ready." you said

"Ughhhh. I hate it when you're right" he said

He then got back up to eye level, kissed you one more time, and you both got ready. You both then headed to the training room where everyone was already there training away.

"Riku, y/n, there you are. Are you guys ready. Get in here and lets go." Mickey said

Riku and I got in our stances like he taught me and we were off. Just one more day till it all goes down. One more day until you find out if you lose it all. One more day. Just one. More. Day.


Oooooooooooooo it was sooooo heated right there.

I'm not finished writing so please stay tuned. I might miss a day because I have so much school work, but I promise I'll be back :D


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