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There was a muffled conversation of people, she could barely make out any of the words. Sound muffled like cotton had filled her ears her ears during her long slumber. How long had she been asleep? The world seemed to refuse to focus.

But she knew if she was awake, that must mean that all of the family was finally released from the coffins that allays has trapped them in. Madison slowly pushed her long, curly hair out of her face. Her eyes slowly fluttering open. Realizing her face was pressed to a hard chest. Who's coffin was she in? She knew it must be one of the boys. She looked up and saw lips slightly curled into a never fading smirk. Kol.

Her thoughts began to clear, but not long after did her vision start to become fuzzy again. Things started to go dark,  starting to lose consciousness again. Never really being able to stay awake long without all of the siblings awake.

As she started to fade back into her subconscious. The coffin lid opened letting light pour in and hit her delicate, almost paper like skin. Her cerulean blue eyes managed to open just enough to see the blurry images of two men. One man who she had never seen whispering to her beloved Elijah.

    " Who the hell is the girl, Elijah!?" Elijah smiled and pulled the dagger from Kol. Not before gently running his hand down her face with a small affectionate smile. Which she managed to slightly lean into the touch with a sleepy smile on her delicate pink lips.

    "An old, old friend. She'll be able to introduce her self when everyone finally wakes up" he said

        Finn rose from his coffin, his clothes and hair from over nine-hundred years ago. Elijah handed him his dagger back so Klaus could not use it against Finn. Rebekah was also quick to rise from the daggers effects. Most likely because it hadn't been that long since she had been daggered. Now Kol didn't take as long as Finn to wake up.

The typically rambunctious man who would have bolted up on a normal occasion, was far more gentle. Feeling the weight of a body curled up in his own. He knew was one of his most precious people. He gently sat up, holding her ever so gently cradled in his arms. Slowly getting up, holding her gently in his arms. He placed her back in his coffin knowing it would take her human body just a bit longer to wake then his vampire bodies.

Kol looked down at her sleeping form. He was joined momentarily joined by Finn, Elijah, and Rebekah all came and look down into the coffin at the sleeping girl. Madison body laid curled on her side, her hair overgrown and grimy from hundreds of years of neglect.

Rebekah looked like she was ready to cry at the sight of her sleeping friend finally waking up from her nine hundred year long nap.

     While the people around the coffin just had soft eyes "she finally gonna wake up after almost a thousand year slumber. Our dear little Madison." Elijah spoke. But their relishing in the past stopped a couple minutes after it started though.

     "But until she fully wakes up, I believe we have our brother to take care of."

They all left the room, filing out of the room one after another. Leaving Madison alone in the coffin. Damon stayed back and looked down at the girl. She seemed perfectly human. He could hear her steady heart beat from here.

This girl must mean something to the originals, for her to be stuck in a coffin with one of the oldest vampires for lord knows how long. But his train of thought was interrupted when Klaus's scream of pain broke the silence which caused the girl to whimper as a hole in her hand appeared. Next blood started to stain her beautiful white dress.

Damon was alarmed leaning down to examine the girl injuries. Startled back from what he saw, her wounds were healing. Slower then a vampire, but still faster then a human wound should be healing. Damon watched her hand heal, the skin slowly stitching itself back together, leaving a light pink scar behind.

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