• 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗜𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝘀 •

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Nikki's POV, May 1986

It's been 2 months, 2 months since I'd found out I was pregnant- and I still hadn't told anyone about the baby.

I was about 3 months gone now give or take a week or so seems as I was 3-ish weeks when I found out, I knew time was running out, I was gonna really start to show soon, I kinda already was but under clothes it was still only noticeable if you knew what you were looking for.

So, I had to at least tell Vince and Mick about my current state, they deserved to know they're my family then worry about management later.

Tommy and I had discussed it and had decided that when we went into the studio today to record we'd tell them, I was not gonna lie... I was scared about what they were gonna say but I knew it was for the best.

While on the topic, we'd also discussed when we'd tell Tommy's parents and had came to the arrangement that the next time we see them we tell them which would probably be in a few weeks, so more information to follow on that point.

In other news, my morning sickness was still around unfortunately, it wasn't everyday more twice possibly three times a week at any time of day- so fuck it being 'morning' sickness- that's bullshit, and that's not even the best part when the nausea hit me.. fuck, it hit me hard.

Yesterday for example, I spent a grand total of about 3 hours puking from 8:00 to 11:00 am, it was fucking nasty- it literally knocked me for six, no pun intended there, I was completely done in afterwards- I spent all of yesterday in bed sleeping. Don't get me wrong I loved the kid and all but jesus, this was difficult.

Currently, Tommy and I were driving to the studio to tell the other half of Mötley Crüe that we were going to be parents and I couldn't stop fidgeting, I was doing everything I could to try and keep my cool.

Bouncing my leg up and down, tapping on my leg, biting my nails, crossing my legs over one another but nothing's working.

It was driving me insane.

Like always, the only thing that brought me any kind of comfort was placing my hand over my lower abdomen where if you really felt around you could feel the curve of a bump beginning to form which brought a smile to my face, I ran my hand backwards and forwards over the area sighing gently.

It was almost a habit now, I just found it relaxing- it put me at ease for whatever reason, whenever I was nervous, frightened or unsure I'd place my hand over my stomach finding reassurance in my unborn child.

I haven't panicked over things as much either because I wasn't bottling anything anymore, everything that bothered me I told straight to Tommy and we dealt with it together. It felt fucking amazing not being weighed down by my worries and concerns, finally I was able to clear my mind and order my thoughts.

"Nikki?.... Nikki?" I hear Tommy say while poking me lightly in the arm "Hey, we're here"

I snap out of my daze and nod "Okay, thanks"

"It's gonna be okay, y'know? It's only Vince and Mick they won't judge you. We're brothers in arms dude, support each other no matter what"

I sure hope your right, Tom.

I climb out of the car and pull my jacket tighter around me, feeling suddenly very self conscious. This was the first time we'll have seen each other in almost a month, Tommy came over to my side and held out one of his hands which I took gladly holding it tightly as we walked towards the door.

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