Chapter 4 - A silent road

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"Ethan you should have something to drink."

"No, I'm fine."

I was at my baby cousin's birthday, she was turning 4. I seemed to be the only one there not having anything to talk about, so I get out my phone and read. I remembered just before opening up wattpad that I didn't say hi to my older cousin. He was in the back room, probably playing Xbox 360. I walk into the room.

Before they saw me I saw his hot,tall,fit ass fuck friend. Oh yea he was from the block party last year. He tried flirting with my aunt...that didn't work out well. He was also on a collage football team.

I walked out fast and didn't say hi so that they didn't see me blush. At this point I was blushing at every hot boy I saw. So pathetic. I stayed next to my mom so that I wouldn't do anything "stupid". I followed her to the kitchen. She wanted to tell me something.

"I think everyone is starting to notice your gay out there."

"WHAT?! Really? Is it that noticeable? You know your dead if they find out."

My aunt walks in interrupting. "What are you gay?" While she was laughing. I covered my face. No one in my family could no besides my mom. They would kill her I'd they found out I was.

I stayed silent the whole party.


I got to my seat starring at the door. I wasn't scared to see Sebastian this time, I wanted to see him. Something about him just makes me care about him. He came in. I had a huge smile, but he didn't.

The period ended I was going to ask what was wrong. Till I saw the left side of his face. It had dry blood and was bruised. I felt so bad. I was really going to ask if he was okay.

I remembered he did BMXing, so I figured that's how he got it. I was right, but I still felt bad. I had ment to give him a snicker (candy) on the bus, but I forgot. I was so upset.

I turned on my Xbox one and went to my friend Kharoumi. The first thing he said was "You need to hide it better." I automatically knew what he ment. He was talking about my gayness.

I got nervous. If he noticed than who else did. KayKay called me after. She said two people guessed why we broke up. They guessed right. She confirmed it for some stupid reason.

Now time to hide it...better.


Spanish class was boring as usual. I've been stalking Sebastian all period. That way I can remember to give him something at lunch. What you guys think I'm a weirdo? Well yes I am.

Anyway Third period came, it was gym.

Me KayKay and her friend were talking about if my gayness was noticeable. They made me do stuff and said it wasn't. I still didn't believe them.

Lunch came. I sat with my friends and talked. I ate very fast. I kept looking at Sebastian, he was across the lunch room. I got him them snicker from yesterday. I needed to catch him alone. I waited for the right time.

He went to a different table with 3 people. It was time. I got my stuff and the snicker, than walked to him.

"H-hi Sebastian..." I was such a loser

"Hey dude."

"I got you this..." I handed him the snicker.

"Wow dude, thanks!" He was happy, so I was happy. He winked at me. I don't know if that was a sign, but I blushed and walked away.

School ended. I was on the bus so was everyone else that was on everyday. We were going to the last stop when a girl sat across from me. She asked "Hey why did you and KayKay break up?" Great now another person to deal with. "For a reason."

"Why? Why? Why? Why?"

She was on the same stop as me. This was going to be fun. "Sebastian what is Ethan not telling me?" Damn it, was he going to tell her. I looked at him. "That he likes me."
WAIT WHAT?!!! "Thats gay."

"He was joking." I was hoping he was.

"Yea, I'm joking I really don't know.

"Tell me!!"

I ran out the bus and ran home.


Today was a very annoying day. Woke up from a deep sleep making me tired today. Lost a game of speedball in gym. Also, with the Spanish midterm being Wednesday-Friday didn't make it any better.

The worst part was working with my annoying friend on a project. More like not a friend. With Sebastian also taking my stuff and hiding them made it worse. After that it was math. Where my friend was teasing me about likening JC.

Than Geography. It wasn't bad, beside Camila staring me down. Than she was bothering me on the bus. Also the fact that Sebastian was saying that I liked her.

Through out the day I stayed quite. I kept praying that tomorrow would be better. I hope it is.


It was mostly a normal day. Beside the fact that there's a KayKay bothering you. In the afternoon. While eating.


Me: Why do u need one?

KayKay: I don't need one, I'm going to help u get one.

Me: Why...

KayKay: cause u look lonely

Well I didn't say she couldn't help me. So I rolled with it and let her help. Even though she didn't really help. We decided to make a list tomorrow during gym.

FRIDAY (time to get down on Friday, sorry)

Had another heavy sleep day. I went to school. I got to gym to make a list with KayKay and her friend. It wasn't easy to stay focused. We got no where.

I got to math class (7th period). I sat down and put my head down. I didn't have my homework so I couldn't do anything. I started thinking, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to come out. I just wonder how would everyone act.

I snapped out of my day dream from the bell. I can easily get it around just by telling a popular girl than she would spread it. Or I can just not tell. It was my choice at this point and no one can help me.

It was after school. I was home just getting off my Xbox one, switching to my computer. I look at my phone.


Me:Oh hi...What in the he'll do you want with me

Andrew:I hope your not mad at me

Me:No, I'm not. Of course I am idiot

Andrew:How are you?

Me:good, u till you came

He stopped texting. The fucking nerve he had to text me than leave. I can't even deal with these kind of shity people anymore.


It was quite. That was good. Everyone asked if I was ok. After Andrew tested me. I was mad, I didn't want to talk to him EVER.

My dad said if I wanted to go see my mom or go to the movies. Honestly I didn't choose neither. So we just stayed home and do what we always do. Do our own things.

>This was an ok chapter for me, but I'm pretty sure this was the longest. The next week is midterms. So there will be no next chapter sorry. :c

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