:. Chapter 7

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A beautiful way to start the morning! The buzz of my phone on the bedside table along with the glorious beams of sunlight gleaming through the full-sized window. Annoyed by the vibrating phone, I reached for the buzzing glass with shut eyes without reading the caller id. 

"Hello?" I answered groggily.


"Stop yelling. Who is this?"


"hmm, got... it."


I tipped the employees for waiting over time and also apologize for the hold up then finally got all my stuff moved in my room. Now that my room looks like a damn room, I got cleaned up and proceeded downstairs to wander the walls of the mansion. 


"Hello Mrs. Jeon, I'm the morning maid, Mrs. Lee. No need to notice me."

"Oh, Hello." I bowed, sending the old lady my morning regards, but mentally cringed at the absurd title. 

"Oh, you shouldn't... bow to me. It's okay." She began to wave her duster and her head in disapproval of my respect.

"Oh no, bowing to you is fine by me." 

Does BugsBunny not bow to the kind lady? This man is a blood boiler. 


"Good morning Mrs. Jeo-"

"What- As my assistant, I'll give you the full privilege to call me Ms. Min. What's on today's agenda?"

"Thanks for the privilege. After the preceding meeting, the shares of the company immediately progressed and soon enough we'll be able to pay the outstanding debt, Good job Ms. Min "

"That's the exact information I wanted to obtain, excellent news. So? Do I not have any scheduled today?"

"Nothing scheduled. Just your parents demanding to meet you."


"I'm being summoned? Mother? Father?"

"There she is! Mrs. Jeon. The real champ here who saved the company!" Mr. Dad jumped out of his seat with ecstasy.

"Oh god, no."

"I heard you moved in, taking steps already.  See? It isn't bad." Mom stated ignorantly wriggling their eyebrows. The little they know is triggering to watch.

My parents don't know about my high school past. I didn't bother to tell, nor did they notice. Of course, I hid it from them, every bruise, every emotion, every agony. They didn't need to know anyway, to add, I didn't want to worry them. They always believed I could stand for myself, and that is true entirely. But as I said, I was just exhausted most of the time react to the bullying. 

"You wanted me for...?"

"Right! Here, give these to your husband for brunch." Mother handed me a whole paper bag of food. Oh, how the aroma of the dishes tickled every hair in my nose. I simply couldn't help myself but have a taste. I was too distracted by the scent to even realize her ludicrous request.

"Did you cook these?" She slapped my hand away before I could reach in the bag. 

"Yes, I cooked these for him. Go on. Shoo."

"I'll give them to my assistant. She'll drop them off."

"Don't disobey us. I don't mind closing down your credit cards." Mr. Dad interrupted.

"I sacrificed my future life for you both. How dare you threa-" He perked up his brow and folded his arms into one. "Dammit, Fine. I'm going." I sighed.


Somehow Intertwined - J.J.KWhere stories live. Discover now