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Alexander Stronghold, a woman with a hidden past and the resident of the apartment 221 B1 in Baker Street. She meets Sherlock, a high functional sociopath, John Watson, an army doctor with a heart of gold and together they solve one case after the other.

However, with each passing case, it is revealed that Alexander is much more than your everyday neighbour...

What is she going to do when her past is revealed? Will that ruin her relationship with the infamous duo? Will it affect her relationship with the man she has started to fall in love with? Will Friendship and love surpass the flaws and mistakes of each person in the small group or will it destroy them forever?


221 Baker Street, London, UK.

The apartment B had been vacant for some time now until a young man decided to rent it. Mrs Hudson, the landlady of the place was showing the apartment to its new resident. The young man had pale skin, black curly hair and stunning light blue eyes.

"And this is your apartment," she said as she opened the door and allowed the young man to explore the empty rooms. "Well, what do you think?"

"It will do but it is quite expensive," the young man said as he turned to look at her.

"Then why don't you find yourself a flatmate? There are two bedrooms as you saw, and I think it will do you some good to have company?"

"Yeah but no one will want to be flatmates with me"

"Oh, don't say that dear! I am sure you are a very good man!"

"The opposite, I am a high functional sociopath but that is not the case. I will take it and I will search for a flatmate. My things will arrive shortly"

"Oh great! So nice to have another young soul here! I know; why don't you come down for some tea and cookies?"

"Another young soul?" the man asked but before Mrs Hudson could answer, the door of the entrance opened and closed, which meant that someone had just entered the building.

They both turned their attention towards the ladder and a second later, a young woman appeared.

She wore a sleeveless Lakers basketball team lose shirt that stopped little after her waist and black running tights with a white stripe at the outside part of her leg. The tights stopped little above her ankles, not touching the black and red worn-out trainers. Her dirty blond hair was up in a ponytail, but several strands and loose hair were framing her face as they had escaped during her exercise. Her black long-sleeved and waterproof training jacket was open, and her phone was strapped around her right forearm, while a pair of white headphones were hanging around her neck.

"Lex, you came just on time," Mrs Hudson said. "This is-"

"Sherlock Holmes, nice to meet you," the man said, interrupting the landlady while extending his hand.

"Alexander Stronghold but please, call me Lex," the young woman said as she shook his.

"Hm! Strong handshake for a woman. I presume this is from your intense training with a punching bag and years of martial arts, which enabled you to have a steady and strong grip. Also, you like having a strong handshake since most people know that a good and right handshake is a strong one. Your hand is also quite rough, who means that you have done quite the labour job and can that can also be because of the constant use of a gun. Your eyes are slightly dull, which I presume must be from things you have seen; more specifically, it has to do with the loss of loved ones. They also going up and down, a cute attempt for you to try and read me but you can't. Don't worry most people can't. Also, you just came from running but the miles you ran are less than what you usually run since you have barely sweat and your pulse is normal; and all because of a phone call that made you return home earlier. Now, to end this, your job... by your posture, it is obvious that your place is quite high in rank, but you tend to lower your head, which means that you take orders from someone else. However, what kind of job would need its worker to be in great shape? Police definitely but you are not one since it's too early for you to have finished your shift. Bodyguard, you couldn't be since you are not muscular enough. Now, if we consider all this, it leaves us to perhaps a spy. "

"Sherlock!" Mrs Hudson scolded the man. "Don't worry dear; he did the same to me"

"No, it's okay. It is quite amazing" Lex said as he finally let go of her hand and Sherlock looked at her in astonishment; since no one had ever praised him for his ability,

Instead, they would insult him and call him names but no, she enjoyed it. He quickly started to study her more, to find something that would indicate that she was lying but he found nothing.

"So, I presume I was 100% correct" he finally said which sounded more like a statement rather a question.

"Almost," Alex said, and his face dropped into a scowl. "You see Mister Holmes; you were wrong about 3 things" she started as she took a step closer and raised her head since he was a head taller than her. "First *raises one finger* I didn't come home earlier because of a phone call, no; I simply didn't want to get wet" on cue lightning was heard and the sound of drops falling. "Second, *another finger up* I don't train because of my job. I train because I like to be kept fit and also help to deal with the stress. You should try it sometime by the way. Lastly*lifts a third finger* I am not a spy which you assumed. I am a translator in different businesses and companies while I also help 'friends' with public relations in different business matters, hence the strong handshake"

"There is always something.... Always something.... Something..." Sherlock muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and placed his hands in front of his mouth as if though he was praying; clueless that one of those things Alex had said was a lie.

"Sherlock, I think it's about time for that tea and my homemade cookies?" Mrs Hudson said, trying to break the tension between the two of them.

"Yeah, that would be great actually. I will be down in a minute"

"Okay," the landlady said as she went down the stairs to prepare some tea.

"Anything else you want to add Sherly?" Alex asked, a smirk playing on her face as she folded her hands in front of her chest.

"Yeah... Alex, you haven't changed at all" Sherlock said, a faint and barely visible smile on his face.

"Nor have you," the woman said and smiled back.

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