Chapter 4

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Lex and Sherlock had ended up back into the apartment. The genius had a lead, but Lex refused to listen until John was with them as well. In the end, he had given in and texted him while she scolded him for leaving him behind.

"Technically, you did the same thing. You rushed to me and simply too prideful to admit that you forgot about John as well"

"I did not forget about him... just..."

Sherlock looked at her from where he was laying on the couch and Lex rose her hands on the air in defeat before sitting on the arm of his armchair. Not long after, there was a knock at the door.

A few seconds later, John came through the door, then stopped, looked at Lex who focused on the cup of tea in her arms and then stared as Sherlock repeatedly clenched and unclenched his left fist.

"What are you doing?"

"Nicotine patch. Helps him think" Lex said and on cue, Sherlock lifted his right hand to show that he had three-round nicotine patches stuck to his arm and it was these which he was pressing against his skin to release the substances more quickly.

"Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. Bad news for brain work"

"It's good news for breathing," John said as he walked further into the room, drawing the attention of Lex.

"Oh, breathing. Breathing's boring"

"Is that three patches?"

"It's a three-patch problem."

"Well? *sherlock doesn't respond* You asked me to come. I'm assuming it's important"

Sherlock still didn't respond instantly, but after a couple of seconds, his eyes snapped open. He didn't bother turning his head to look at John. "Oh, yeah, of course. Can I borrow your phone? "

"My phone?"

"Don't want to use mine. Always a chance that the number will be recognized. It's on the website.

"Lex has a phone"

"I do not give my phone to anyone. Sorry, John. It is fully private and only accessible to me" Lex explained.

"Mrs Hudson's?"

"Yeah, she's downstairs. I tried shouting but she didn't hear"

"I was the other side of London"

"There was no hurry"

John glared at him as he gazed serenely at the ceiling before closing his eyes again. Eventually, John dug his phone out of his jacket pocket and held it towards him. "Here" Without opening his eyes, Sherlock held out his right hand with the palm up. John glowered at him for a moment, then stepped forward and slapped the phone into his hand. Sherlock slowly lifted his arm and puts his hands together again, this time with the phone in between his palms. John turned and walks a few paces away before turning around again. "So what's this about – the case?"

"Her case" Lex replied to his question.

"Her case?"

"Her suitcase, yes, obviously. The murderer took her suitcase. First big mistake"

"Okay, he took her case. So?"

"It's no use, there's no other way. We'll have to risk it" Sherlock said quietly to himself. Then he raised his voice a little, imperiously held the phone out towards John, still not looking at him. "On my desk, there's a number. I want you to send a text"

"You brought me here ... to send a text"

"Text, yes. The number on my desk" He continued to hold the phone out while John glowers at him, possibly wondering if he could get away with justifiable homicide. Lex was quiet as she was observing everything. She knew she could not say much since Sherlock was quite oblivious to emotions; according to her experience. Eventually, John stomped across the room and snatched the phone from his hand. Sherlock refolded his hands under his chin and closed his eyes but instead of going to the table, John walked over to the window and looked out into the street below. He opened his eyes and tilts his head slightly towards him. "What's wrong?"

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