Chapter 12

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After the latest news, Sherlock had that smug smirk on his face and wasted no time to go to Scotland Yard. That's right, he almost marched into Inspector's Dimmock office and was currently standing at the side of the man's desk while typing onto a laptop.

The young inspector sat on his chair; his hands folded in front of his chest as he waited. From his face, it was clear as day that he was not pleased with the situation but waited, to see what Sherlock was talking about.

John and Lex stood further away, giving some private space but also because it was Sherlock's moment. They had simply tagged alone as per usual and in a way, to make sure, that he wouldn't end up doing something extremely bad.

"Brian Lukis, freelance journalist. Murdered in his flat ..." Sherlock started and then turned the laptop around, showing Dimmock the web page which they were looking at earlier... doors locked from the inside"

"You've gotta admit, it's similar," John said, and Lex gave a nod with her head in agreement.

Dimmock scowled at the computer. "Both men killed by someone who can ... " he hesitated momentarily as if unable to believe what he's about to say, but persevered onwards "... walk through solid walls"

Lex felt the need to facepalm. The man obviously didn't pass through solid walls, not hat was impossible. He was simply good at silent killing from the inside, something not entirely new just rare.

Yet, she stayed quiet and observed how slowly the inspector was losing his previous 'high ground'

"Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was just another City suicide?" the man continued. Dimmock squirmed not meeting his eyes. This caused the sociopath to look up, exasperated, and sigh pointedly. "You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose?"

"Mmm," he nodded.

"And the shot that killed him: was it fired from his own gun?"

He was reluctant for a moment. "No"

Lex smirked and she didn't fail to notice Sherlock's lip corner lift slightly as well. He was obviously enjoying proving others wrong, especially those who had questioned him. Now, he was doing exactly that, and no one dared or wanted to spoil it for him.

"No. So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel" Dimmock looked back at him silently. Sherlock leaned forward over the desk and spoke quietly but intensely into his face. "I've just handed you a murder enquiry" Louder, nodding towards the picture of Lukis on the computer "Five minutes in his flat"


"You enjoyed every single moment of it," Lex said with a smirk as they walked towards Luki's flat.

"It was a good reminder of how low his IQ was" Sherlock replied as he ducked under the police tape, keeping his voice low enough for her to hear.

She chuckled and followed soon, Dimmock and John not too far behind. "Not lower than Andersons'"

They climbed the stairs and he didn't hide his smirk of amusement that appeared on his well-structured face. "Doubt anyone can fit in that category"

She smiled and she slowed down her step, allowing him to do his thing and take everything in; without her being in the middle of distracting him.

Looking around at everything as he went, he walked into the living room. There's an open empty suitcase on the floor. Nearby on the carpet was a black origami flower, similar to the one that Sherlock pulled from Van Coon's mouth.

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