Chapter 1

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It has been barely a week since Sherlock Holmes made himself comfortable in the new apartment. He had also asked around for a flatmate and to his luck, an acquaintance of his found him one.

Now, the tall sociopath was in the apartment and was showing around a quite shorter man with dirty blond- brown hair and kind eyes. The man was dressed simply unlike the taller one and was leaning on a black cane while listening to his new flatmate.

Finally, after Sherlock stopped talking and Watson was free to speak; the bottom door opened and closed with quite the noise and a groan echoed in the 3-story house.

"Perfect," the sociopath said as he looked at the clock, the tip of his cupid shaped lips rising slightly. "Time to meet the other resident"

"Other resident?" the short man questioned/repeated confused as he turned his head to the open door as the sound of someone climbing the steps reached his ear.

Lex stopped on her steps as she noticed the new face inside Sherlock's apartment and instead of going up to her own, she started to walk towards them.

This time she wore black cargo pants and a long-sleeved lime-olive green shirt with her signature black jacket and black army boots. Her hair was in a low ponytail that passed right above her right shoulder and stopped at chest size with a few strands hanging around her face.

"Lex! This is John Watson, my new flatmate. John, this is Alexander Stronghold; the resident of 221 B1 or in other words, the apartment above us"

"Pleasure," John said as they shook hands.

"I thought I smelled some fresh blood" the woman joked and caught the older man off guard.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on Lex; don't scare him away from now. The poor soul hasn't even managed to bring his stuff here"

"Forgive me. I couldn't help it" she said and gave a smile before dropping the handshake. Afghanistan or Iraq?" she asked which shocked and slightly angered John.

"Oh no no no! What was this time? The cane or something from my clothes? No, must be something on my face, right?!" he said with a slightly raised voice, annoyance crystal cleared.

Lex looked at Sherlock with an amused look which Sherlock replied with the same before she decides to clear things for him.

"John wasn't it?" she asked as the man finally calmed down. "Relax, I am not a mastermind or annoying like the man behind you" she started which earned a scowl by the said man but a small smile from Watson. "I asked because my father was in the army. I have been around soldiers long enough to recognize one.

"Oh, I see... Sorry about that then... what division was your father?" John asked, now completely calmed and slightly embarrassed.

"2nd division sir"

"Oh, I see. I was in the 5th and to answer your question, Afghanistan... Again, sorry for the temper" the man said as he looked down and played with his cane from embarrassment.

"No worries. It's completely understandable... oh and by the way, please calls me Lex"

"Lex it is then"

"Lex!" Mrs Hudson called the young woman's name as she came out of the kitchen after her small attempt to clean a little bit the mess the tall man had caused. "Dear, this is the other resident I wanted to tell you about. She stays on the apartment above this one and is also the one with the spare second bedroom"

"Yes. So in case you need a break from the guy behind you, feel free to knock on my door. It will be good to have some company once in a while"

"Oh don't complain, Lex, you spend more time here than in your apartment. You are far from lonely and if you want a company you can adopt a pet or start dating that also could work"

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