Chapter 2

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"Sorry, Mrs Hudson. I will skip the tea. Off out" John said, and Lex felt adrenalin and excitement rushing through her veins.

She didn't want to use Sherlock that way and push those certain buttons but there was no way she would be left behind. The police had finally approached him again and he had also asked John's help.

It felt strange, being with the two men and now about to head to a crime scene. Yet, it somehow felt right.

"Both of you... No, all three of you?" the woman of their landlady was heard, and Sherlock came to a halt before changing his direction and heading towards her.

"Impossible suicides? 4 of them? No point sitting at home when there is finally something fun going on!" the man said and kissed her cheek.

"Look at you, all happy. It Is not descent"

"Who cares about descent? The game Mrs Hudson. Is on!" Holmes said as he exited the building first, followed by John and last Lex.

"I will watch over them, Mrs Hudson. Do not worry" she said as she joined the two men as a Taxi was stopped by the sociopath.

Sherlock sat in first, John was about to follow when he held the door open and like the gentleman he was, offered his seat to Lex. She smiled at him as she took her place between the two men.

She gave the address to the driver and they sat in silence for the first minute. It wasn't fully comfortable, and they were a little packed but none of them cared as all they wanted was to arrive at their destination and let the fun begin.

Sherlock opened his phone and started to search something, Lex catching a small glimpse of it.

Weather podcast? she questioned in her mind even though she knew that there was a reason he was on that specific page; a reason that had to do with the case and wondered what it was.

Of course, she would find out soon enough. They were getting closer to the crime scene. Her smile dropped from her face as the image of a certain someone flashed into her mind. She held a groan, knowing very well that trouble would come soon with such a decision.

"Ok, you have got questions," Sherlock said out of the blue and snapped her back to the reality.

"Yeah, where are we going?" John asked.

"Crime scene. Next?"

"Who are you? What do you do?"

"What do you think?"

"I'd say... private detective," John said, and Lex gave a faint scoffed, earning the attention of the two men.

"Oh, please ignore me and continue with this little...discussion?"


"But the police don't go to private detectives"

"I am a consulting detective; only one in the world. I invented the job"

"Nah, I am sure there are few others like him. He simply invented the title which he holds with lots of pride if I may add" Lex said and ignored the look Sherlock gave her.

"What does that mean?" John asked as he looked at the duo for answers.

"It means that when the police are out of their depth, which is always-"

"Sherlock be nice. It is not always"

"Fine, 99% of the time *Lex leaves out a sigh and shakes her head in defeat* they consult me"

"The police don't consult amateurs"

"What makes you think he is one?" the woman said, more offended than the actual man.

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