Chapter 8

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Moriarty, Sherlock thought as he sat on the back steps of an ambulance.

That was the name the cab driver had said before dying, after much shouting of course. It was the man, the sponsor who was intrigued by Sherlock. But who was this man? His mind searched for information and hints but came back empty. He was snapped from his thought when a paramedic put an orange blanket around his shoulders as Lestrade walked over with Lex next to him. He was not surprised seeing the woman, having bumped on her when he exited the building; just as meds and police arrived.

He had seen her standing with John behind the police tape while he had made himself comfortable on the ambulance steps while thinking. He needed to think so he needed distance Now, a different matter was at hand and he gestured to the blanket. "Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me"

"Yeah, it's for shock"

"I'm not in shock"

"Yeah, but some of the guys wanna take photographs" he grinned.

Sherlock and Lex rolled their eyes. "Just accept it for now. You will get rid of it in a few minutes either way" she said.

"So, the shooter. No sign?" the sociopath asked.

"Cleared off before we got 'ere. But a guy like that would have had enemies, I suppose. One of them could have been following him but ... *shrugs* ... got nothing to go on"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that"

"Okay, gimme"

Sherlock stood up. "The bullet they just dug out of the wall from a handgun. Kill shot over that distance from that kind of a weapon – that's a crack shot you're looking for, but not just a marksman; a fighter. His hands couldn't have shaken at all, so clearly, he's acclimatized to violence. He didn't fire until I was in immediate danger, though, so strong moral principle. You're looking for a man probably with a history of military service ..." While talking, the image of somebody flashed into his mind and turned his head to look around the area. He spotted John standing and waiting behind the police tape "... and nerves of steel ..."

He trailed off as John looked back at him innocently.

"Sherlock?" Lex asked as she and the Detective turned their head to see where he was staring.

"Actually, do you know what? Ignore me"


"Ignore all of that. It's just the, er, the shock talking"

Lex lifted an eyebrow and watched as he started to walk towards John. She quickly followed him, a faint smile on her lips while Lestrade ran behind them, confused beyond point. "Where're you going?"

"I just need to talk about the-the rent"

"But I've still got questions for you"

Sherlock turned back to the Detective in irritation. "Oh, what now? I'm in shock! Look, I've got a blanket!"

He went as far as to brandish the sides of the blanket to prove it, causing Lex to hold back some laughter.

"Sherlock" the detective wined.

"And I just caught you a serial killer ... more or less"

He looked at the woman who simply shrugged her shoulder. Leaving out a sigh, he thought for a moment. "Okay. We'll bring you in tomorrow. Off you go"

The duo walked away, Sherlock getting rid of the blanket a few steps away from the Detective. The woman ducked first under the tape and he followed suit.

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