Chapter 6

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"Mrs Hudson?" Lex asked her worried.


Without losing a moment, our heroes climbed up the stairs and enter the men's apartment, only to find Lestrade sitting casually in the armchair facing the door while other police officers were going through Sherlock's possessions.

Sherlock stormed over to Lestrade. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid"

"You can't just break into my flat"

"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat"

"Well, what do you call this then?"

"It's a drugs bust," the detective said innocently.

"Seriously?! This guy, a junkie?! Have you met him?!" John asked in disbelief.

Sherlock turned and walked closer to John, biting his lip nervously as Lex looked anywhere but the detective or the man next to her. "John ..."

"I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational"

"John, you probably want to shut up now," Lex said as she kept an eye on the officers.

"Yeah but come on."

He looked into his eyes and the taller man held his gaze for a long moment. John fell deeply and instantly in love realized how serious he's looking. "No"



"Shut up!" Sherlock said angrily as John turned to Lex.

"You knew?"

"...Yes..." she said in a low tone and kept her eyes on the officers.

"I'm not your sniffer dog," Holmes said to the detective.

"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog"

"What, An-" On cue, the closed doors to the kitchen slide open and revealed several more officers in there searching through the room. Anderson turned towards the living room and raised his hand in sarcastic greeting. "Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?"

"Oh, I volunteered"

That caused Sherlock to turn away while biting his lip angrily.

"They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen"

Lex mentally cursed the men in the flat for what they were doing. She had her respect for Sherlock, and she knew that those police offer just wanted to mess with him. She had taken up enough of how rude they were and to her eyes, they looked like useless pigs. Usually, she stayed indifferent to such matters or kept her calm, but she had taken a soft spot for the sociopath.

Donovan came into view from the kitchen, holding a small glass jar with some white round objects in it. "Are these human eyes?" she asked.

"Put those back!"

"They were in the microwave!"

"It's an experiment"

"Keep looking, guys" Lestrade ordered as he stood up and turned to Sherlock. "Or you could help us properly and I'll stand them down."

"This is childish" Lex commented as she took a step forward towards the detective, itching to grab the gun from her pocket and kick those people out.

They had a case to solve, people's lives to save and the police simply couldn't take the fact that they were not in their waters. She accepted Lestrade and held some respect for the man, but she was tired and not in the mood to see all of this.

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