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It feels like it happened in slow motion, they groaned in pain as their car collided in one another, sirens and people screaming was all they can hear, everything around them was spinning and then everything suddenly turned black

"Y/n, please wake up" the 11-year-old boy sobbed holding his little sister's hand, the girl slowly opened her eyes to adust from the bright light, the little boy looked at his sister as he felt her hand moved

"Y/n?" the boy said " I?" the 8-year-old girl weakly asked, the boy sobbed, hugging her sister as if there was no tomorrow,"y/n, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" the boy smiled weakly at his sister's shoulder "why?"little y/n asked, even if she was just and 8-year-old, she knew something was wrong

"Where's mom and dad?"little y/n asked, the boy just hugged his sister even tighter at what her sister said, "yah, what's wrong?"y/n sobbed "y/Annie"the boy pulled away from the hug, looking at her sister, straight in the eyes

"O-papa, tell me what's wrong?" she said "y/n, you are now....a big girl, right?" the boys asked,y/n nodded eagerly at her brother's question, "princess, I want be strong, okay, "the boy said "what's wrong?" she again asked

"Mom and dad... "the boy paused looking down, "why? what happened?"
"They didn't make it," the boy said, the little girl broke down in tears, hugging her brother, sobbing on his chest, he knew his sister's going to broke down, that's why he didn't cry, he didn't want to look weak in front of his sister, he needed to be strong for her, for the both of them

"Oppa" the girl called her brother earning a hum from the older, "promise me, that you will never leave me, "the girl said, the boy hesitate for a minute before turning his head on her sister," I promise," he said, the little one hugged her brother while mumbling I love you to him, the boy sadly smiled

The girl fell asleep at her brother's chest, the boy carefully laid his sister on the hospital's bed, he gently strokes the little girl's head

He heard the door opened, he smiled weakly at their auntie as the lady walked towards him, "come one child, we're going now"the lady smiled, the boy nodded his head again looking at his sister

"I'm sorry y/n,i I really am"

He kissed his little sister's forehead for the last time before following the lady

"I hope you forgive me"

Little y/n woke up with her brother, not on her side," Oppa?shee called "oh y/n, you're awake" she heard a person said "oh auntie" she greeted "here some soup"the lady handed her a bowl of soup

She effortlessly finished the bowl, she turned her head on her auntie, handing her the bowl and asked "auntie, have you saw my brother?"
"He already left, don't worry he's safe,  and mom, call me mom, "her auntie said "but wh-"
"Just please, call me mom" the lady looked at her, annoyed,y/n just nodded her head

"He left me, he promised me he's not going to leave me," she thought

"He lied"

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