Chapter 2

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After 4 long hours that felt like eternity of driving we finally arrive at our camp site in one piece.

We all get out of the cars and stretch out our cramped up bodies, we stretch our arms, legs, neck and back.

We decide to not set up straight away, we look over at the river side which is about a 3 minute walk from our camp site.

We decided to book an open grass spot for our tent instead of being in a small cabin a few kilometres up from us, we wanted a river side view.

"Let's go take a quick walk along the river side before we set up" Brooke says knowing that we need a quick break and starts slowly making her way to the river.

Myself, Kai and Jade follow her walking out our muscles, glad to be finally able to move again.

The sound of the river flowing downstream and hitting some small rocks in the river fill my ears. I can hear the trees swaying in the faint wind, I can hear the birds chirping happily with each other as we continue walking.

We walk to some rocks about 5 meters from the river water and sit down.

The smell of all the nature fills up my senses, I feel at peace and ease , I feel as if I'm free from any stress and worries I may have brought with me from home.

A small smile forms on my face as I look out over the water, the outer corners of my eyes begin to crinkle up as my smile gets bigger.

We sit in silence for about 5 minutes until...

"I think we should go back and set up before it gets to late" Kai breaks the peaceful silence.

I slowly come back to reality and stop focusing on all the sounds coming from the nature all around us.

"Yeah okay, come on" Jade gets up and starts walking away with Kai on the dirt path.

"Come on Lily" I feel Brooke's cold hand on my shoulder slighting tugging me to get up.

We make our way back to our camp site and start unpacking the two cars to find the tent we had packed... and of course it was at the bottom of everything.

The 5 minute tent we brought had taken us about 30 minutes to set up.... turns out none of us really knew how to set up a tent.

We also had to set up a Gazebo.... you can guess how long that took based off of our 5 minute tent attempt.

After setting up the two structures and securing them properly with pegs and rope, we set up a rope hanging from a tree and our tent  to act like a clothes line, then we had to set up our sleeping arrangements... Now that was a complete mess... there was arguing on who slept on what side of the tent, where our suitcases were supposed to go, etc.

After a while of arguing we finally sorted it out. Brooke and Jade slept in the far right side of the tent together while myself and Kai slept in the far left, our suitcases were located in the middle compartment of the tent.

At this point I was absolutely exhausted my body felt stiff and was itching to rest but everyone else wanted to go swimming, I ended up going with them but I sat out on the rocks and watched them splash around in the river, picking each other up in the cold flowing water and throwing each other around, not going to lie it looked like so much fun but I was too tired to join in.

Jade eventually came out of the river and joined me on the rock, we watched Kai and Brooke continue to attack each other in the water.

"Look at those two, they seem to be enjoying themselves" I look over to Jade.

"Haha yeah, they are literally just big kids"
She looked back at me.

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