Little Backstory

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Heads up: This is going to be a little short due to this being a "Little Backstory"
*They're, like, 4 in this part*

Maya's Pov

I was sitting by the wall while watching everyone play, like I always do to make sure no one gets hurt. "Hiya!" I heard a girl from in front of me say. I looked up to see a girl with bright orange hair and emerald green eyes. "Hello..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to  say. "You look lonely, wanna play with me and my friends?" She said sticking out her hand. "Sure." I said quietly while I took her hand, I yelped when she started to run while dragging me behind her. "Oh, sorry." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "It's okay." I said and we walked over to two boys, one had white hair and blue eyes while the other had black hair that covered one of his eyes that were a dark green. "Hey, Emma. Who's this?" The white-haired one asked the girl next to me, who was apparently Emma. "This is..." She trailed off, not knowing my name. "You didn't ask her, her name, did you?" The black-haired one asked and she shook her head, which made me quietly chuckle. "I'm Maya." I said with a small closed-eyed smile. Emma then tackled me. "That was so cute!!" She squealed and I felt my cheeks getting red. "E-Eh? C-Cute??" I questioned as the other two started laughing until the black-haired one helped me up. "Sorry about her, she's very energetic. I'm Ray by the way, that's Norman." He said pointing behind him to the white-haired boy behind him, he waved to me and I returned it. "Nice to meet you all." I smiled. 

Year later *They're like 5-6 now*

"Hey, guys? What is this?" Emma asked as she grabbed onto the steel bars in front of her. "The gate, it connects the inside and outside." Norman answered the curious girl. "Outside? We've never been outside." Emma said. "That's because we've been here ever since we were born." Norman replied matter-of-factly. "Never go near the gate of fence in the back of the forest because it's dangerous." I repeated Mom's words. "She says that but it's not true." Ray said. "It's not?" Norman asked. "Hey Ray! What would you do outside?" Emma asked enthusiastically. "I don't know. You Emma?" Ray said back. "I wanna ride a Giraffe!" She said happily and I chuckled. "Good luck." Ray said and I elbowed him. "Ow." He whined rubbing his arm. "Don't be so rude." I scolded him and he nodded. "What about you anyway? What would you want to do?" He asked and I thought. "I wanna eat all of the candy in the world!" I said, I had a big sweet tooth. "You're gonna get a cavity." Ray said pinching my cheek. "Ow! That Hursh!" I whined as he let go, I rubbed my cheek and glared at him. "Payback." He shrugged. "This gate..." Norman started as he put his hands on the bars. "I wonder what this gate is really keeping us protected from." Norman said as we all looked out past the gate and into the tunnel of darkness.

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