Telling Ray

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I snuck out of our room quietly with Emma and waved, she returned it. We stood there for a second and then saw Norman come out a few minutes later. We all looked at eachother and nodded. We walked to a random room and Norman picked the lock to a room with Extra tablecloths, smart.

Next Day

We walked past the fence like usual and I took the tablecloth out from my pockets. "Smart idea Norman, using tablecloths." I said as we all tied the ends of our together to get on long rope. "This can be used as rope." He said as we held up our tablecloth rope. We wrapped it in an extra cloth I had and hid it in the hole of the tree. "With this we can get over the wall." I said as I jumped down from the tree. "Okay, the challenge is still ahead of us." Norman said as I nodded. "Where the tracking devices are..." Emma trailed off. "And a way to get everyone out." I finished. We were in silence for a while, thinking, then Emma broke it.

"Hey Norman, Maya." Emma said catching our attention. "I think it would be fine if we told Ray." Emma said and I thought for a second. "I was thinking that too." Norman agreed and I nodded. "I'm in." I agreed. "He's the most likely to believe us and not panic. He's also good with machines, due to his extensive knowledge." I said and the other two nodded. "I'm sure we can depend on him." Norman said. "But...." Norman trailed off. "But...?" I asked, repeating his words, trying to get an answer. "I'll talk to Ray myself." Norman said and I was surprised. "Why not Maya?" Emma asked and I shrugged and Emma sighed. "Why don't you guys go back and-" "Why?" Norman was cut off by someone, Emma and I both jumped at that. "Ray!" Emma said surprised. "Yo." He said with a small wave.

"Sorry, I followed you guys." Ray said as we all stood there. "It's been bugging me for a while and Maya won't tell me about it either so I decided to follow you." Ray said handing me a book and walking over to Emma and Norman, He put his arms around their shoulders and brought them into a tight huddling position. "What happened at the gate that night?" Ray asked us. "When you went to go deliver Little Bunny to Conny. You all were clearly acting weird, you were empty-handed when you said you didn't make it. Maya also cried, she almost never does that. It pained me to see that so I want to know what the hell happened." Ray said looking a little angry. "You're perceptive." Norman said as Ray squeezed tighter, almost choking them. "So of course something happened. Give it up." Ray said shouting a little. "Ray is smart too after all." Emma said as she looked like she was going to pass out. "We were-are going to tell you! Stop chocking them!" I said as I walked over.

After Explaining

"Demons.....A farm....Mom is an enemy?" Ray said processing what we just told him. "This is bad." Ray said surprising Emma. "He catches on fast!" Emma said and I sighed. "I told you!" I said and she nodded. "So you're saying, we were preciously taken care of to become demon food." Ray asked rubbing the number on his neck. I nodded. "I'm still kind of surprised you're believing us." Emma said and Ray sighed. "Of course. I know that Maya wouldn't lie to me unless it was necessary. Or make up such a stupid one." Ray said and I nodded as Norman and Emma sweatdropped. "Wow, he sure has a lot of trust in you." Norman said putting his hand on my shoulder, Ray then grabbed my wrist, turned me around and then hugged me by my waist. I just nervously chuckled.

"So, if we're really going to escape, there are various issues. First, the number of kids. We'll narrow it down to those who can make it-" Ray started and I stopped him. "No! We're escaping with everyone!" I said shaking my head. "You can help us do just that Ray!" I said looking up at him. "Everyone?" He asked shocked about my sudden outburst, I nodded. "You can't be serious." He said and I tensed. "There are 37 of us, and the majority are under six years old." He reasoned and I sighed. "Demons, Mom, Tracking devices. Those three factors alone make an already difficult task even harder." He said as I broke out of his hold and turned around to look at him. "I know that! But it's not impossible!" I said and he stared at me, shocked at my actions.

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