Escape plan Pt.1

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Emma's Pov

"Should we wait till Maya's better to make a plan or should we make one and fill her in?" I asked Norman as we hung up sheets to dry outside. "I don't know-" "Hey Guys!" I heard a voice cut off Norman. "Maya!?" I said as she showed herself from behind the sheets. "I thought you were sick." Norman said and she nodded. "Yeah, I was. I got over it in no time thanks to Ray." She said and I tilted my head. "Ray? What'd he do?" I asked and she smiled. "Thanks to him spending most of his time reading he found a book about different treatments and medicines. He made a medicine that sped up my healing process, I told him it tasted like death." She said and I jumped when I heard someone else. "You're overreacting, it wasn't that bad." Ray said putting his arm around Maya's shoulders. "Yes, it was. It tasted like rotten cheese marinated in spoiled milk." She whined as Norman and I laughed at the silly couple. 'Looks like we'll be making the plan up faster than we thought.' 

The next day(Maya's Pov)

"If we draw a simple map of this site, the House is in the middle and then the Gate. And then the Forest that surrounds us." Norman said as he pointed to different places on a drawing he made in the dirt with a stick. "First, which do we escape from? The Gate or the Forest?" I thought out loud. "The gates always closed, except on shipping days, but the Demons are there. So we should probably go through the Forest to avoid too many casualties." I sighed as I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, but when?" Emma asked. "Maybe at playtime, during the day, when we can get out of the house freely." Norman suggested and I thought. 'We would have time to plan, but how would we get everyone in the same place at the same time?' I questioned and shook my head. "Or at the night of shipping when Mom-" "Not during shipping! Somebody will definitely get sacrificed." Emma cut of Norman. "Right." Norman and I nodded. "And the younger ones probably can't stay up at night anyways." I sighed. "Then it's settled." Norman said as we stood up. "We'll escape during the day, through the Forest, whether that's possible." Norman said. "Depends on what's inside the Forest." I finished and like that *Insert finger snap* we ran, past the fence.

We were met with a tall stone wall that looked like it stretched for miles. I heard rustling and looked to my side to see Norman trying to climb the tree. "Norman!" Emma and I said in surprise. Norman's foot slipped and in a flash, without even thinking, I shot over and caught Norman the moment before he hit the ground. "Are you alright Norman?" Emma said sprinting over. "I remained silent in shock that I was able to do that, that quickly. I set him down and I thought as I started to panic a bit. "How the hell...." I trailed off as Emma and Norman started getting worried. "Oh, sorry. I was just wondering how I did that." I said as they sighed in relief. "We just got a little worried, we were trying to catch your attention for a while." Norman said and I rubbed the nape of my neck and apologized. I looked at the tree and looked for the best places to put my feet.

Once I found them, I started climbing. I got up there quite quickly. "So? Is anything up there?" Norman asked as I looked past the wall. "Nothing that I can see." I sighed. "The wall is probably around two-three meters thick. And it's pretty high too. However, there isn't anyone guarding it." I said as I came down. "It's absolutely silent." Norman said, putting his ear against it.  I sighed as I put my palm on my forehead. "What do you think?" Norman asked, I did what first came to mind and I punched the wall, but it only made a crack that wasn't that big. "EH!?" Emma and Norman both shouted in surprise. "It's pretty sturdy. There aren't any noticeable edges or crack, well, before I punched it at least. That hurt a bit though." I said shaking my hand. "You manage to keep on surprising us, don't you Maya?" Norman chuckled and Emma nodded, still shocked. 

"How the heck did you make a crack in that!?" Emma said as I laughed. "I don't know, I guess it was just the first thing I thought of." I shrugged as I smiled a bit. "Either way, even with the crack I made, no one could climb this without some kind of material to hold onto." I sighed as I rested my hand on the back of my head. "Should we give up then?" Norman asked and I elbowed him. "That is the stupidest Idea I've ever heard come out of your mouth Norman." I said as he rubbed his arm. "That's what this wall would want us to think." Emma said and I was confused. 'What?' I thought. 

"If it was you or me, Norman, we could climb it as long as we had a rope." Emma said and Norman was confused. "What about Maya?" Norman asked and she thought about it. "If it was Maya, she'd probably be able to jump to it from the tree." Emma said and I got embarrassed. "Y-you're overestimating me way too much." I said as I turned red. "Either way." I said as I calmed down. "I don't sense any Demons. The only one that could be watching is Mom. Btu don't worry, it's not like it's scary." I said and then the bells signaling that it was the end of playtime started chiming. "Hurry!" I said as we all bolted to Mom and the others.

"Oh no, two are missing." I said as I did a head count for Mom. "MOM!" Mark yelled as he came running. "Mark! What's wrong?" I asked as I pulled him into a hug. "I-I lost N-Naila in the F-Forest! I d-don't know what t-to d-do!" Mark said in between sobs. "Hey, calm down okay. Breath with me okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Breath in. Breath out." I said as I did it with him, we did that a few time until he calmed down. "Mom, can you go find Naila while I help Mark?" I asked and she nodded. She smiled after looking at her pocket watch for a second. 'Bingo.' I thought as I eyed the pocket watch. "It'll be okay Mark, Mom'll find her in no time." I smiled and he sniffed. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Really." I said and he smiled back. "Let's calm down now okay?" I asked as I wiped a way a couple tears and he nodded, doing the breathing exercise I showed him a few seconds ago. "You good now?" I asked and he nodded. 

Mom came back a couple minutes later with an asleep Naila in her arms. "She got tired and fell asleep. Look, not a scratch on her." Mom said as mostly everyone ran over. "Maya?" Mom asked and I nodded. "Yes Mom?" I asked and she held out Naila. "Put Naila to bed for me, okay?" Mom asked and I nodded. "*Hai!" I said taking Naila and walking past Norman and Emma. "Mom has always been good at finding us, don't you think?" I asked as my smile dropped and the two froze. "Pay attention to how she reacts after looking at her pocket watch for a second when she finds that one of us is missing." I said and smiled. "Well, I better go put Naila to bed. I'll be right back." I said as I walked off leaving the two with a confused and a bit of a scared expression.

"Oh, hi Ray!" I said as I walked inside, he was looking outside the window. "Hey Maya." He smiled as he walked over. "Did something happen to Naila?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nope, she just fell asleep in the forest and Mark wasn't able to find her." I smiled as I continued walked with him following. "Y'know, Maya. You've been acting a bit strange." Ray said and I giggled. "What makes you think that?" I asked with a smile when inside I was panicking, It didn't show on my face though. "You just seem a little less, like normal I guess? I don't really know how to explain it." He sighed and I chucked as I finished putting Naila in bed. "I don't see how I'm acting any differently." I smiled as I pecked his nose which always made him blush a bit, especially when I did it out of nowhere. "I-I guess you're right." He said flustered. "I'll see you later, I should probably tell mom I'm done and that Naila's in bed. Bye my Bookworm." I said and left him blushing at the nickname. I sighed and kept walking as soon as I closed the door.

*Hai is Yes/Okay in Japanese 

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