Present time

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The bell chimed signalling that it's time to wake up. I sat up and yawned while stretching. "Good Morning everyone! Time to wake up, or you'll miss breakfast!" Emma yelled startling me but I shook it off as everyone started waking up. I had just finished getting my shoes on and I saw a bunch of kids crowding around Emma, asking her to help them with their shoelaces. I chuckled at that and then felt a tug on my skirt. "Yes Conny?" I asked the little girl as I kneeled down to her height. "Maya, I can't figure out the laces! They keep getting tangled!" She cried as she held her shoes out. "It's okay Conny, no need to cry. Shoelaces are hard." I said as I helped her. "Thank you Maya!" She said as she hugged me and ran off. "Come on Maya! Let's go!" Emma said as she tried to pull me but to no avail. "Alright, alright. I'm going." I laughed as I started walking after her as she ran down the hallway. 

"Morning Don." I waved as he returned it. "Good morning to you too Conny, Little Bunny." I said booping her nose and she giggled which made my heart melt every time. "Morning!" Don said and I nodded. "Morning Maya, Emma." She said as Emma passed. "Look we made it." Emma said as she set Phil down. Something then pushed both me and Emma we looked behind us to see none other than Lannion and Thoma. "Now you've done it." I said as both me and Emma turned around. "I'm gonna eat you!" Emma yelled as she started chasing the two boys as I laughed as she caught them. "There they go again." Gilda sighed and laughed a bit. "Hey gwuys! Gwood Mowning!" Emma said with Phil on her back, stretching her mouth and I chuckled again. "Hi Emma, Maya, morning." Norman said and I smiled. Good morning." I replied. "Mowning, Emma." Ray mocked with his usual smirk and Emma pouted. "Meanie!" She exclaimed. "Morning Ray." I waved with a closed-eyed smile, I didn't notice him blushing. "Morning Maya." He said as I opened my eyes to see him red. "Ah! Are you okay? You're all red! Do you have a fever?" I panicked as I was about to put by hand on his forehead to check his temperature and he shook his head. "I'm fine!" He said as he backed away. 

I was confused while the other two were talking. "You have so much energy, you haven't even had breakfast yet." Norman said to Emma. "Yeah, how old are you, Five?" Ray joked. "I'm 17! Same as you guys! an one of the oldest kids here!" Emma yelled as the other two chuckled. I heard Mom laughing behind us. "You're laughing too Mom?" Emma pouted. "Good morning Mom." I said as I hugged her. "Good morning Maya, you too Emma." She smiled. "Can you two give me hand?" Mom asked and I nodded. "In a minute! I wanna redo my entrance cause Ray teased me!" Emma whined. "Why change it? It showed just what I love about you." Mom said. "That I'm Five-years-old at heart?" Emma asked and I chuckled along with Mom. "That isn't what I meant, I love how deeply you care bout your family."Mom said. "Thank you Mom. I'm glad!" Emma smiled. 

Mom rung the bell that meant it was time to eat as I took my seat which was beside Ray. We thanked that all of us were living happily together and thanked for the food and then started eating, I didn't eat too fast because I know the consequences of that. We then went to the test room and I took my seat which was in between Emma and Ray. "Age 17. Type 1. Answer each question within ten seconds. Start when you hear the tone." The AI spoke into my headphones as a buzz sound played and I started the test. I quickly worked on it but made sure that I didn't miss any parts of the question and I finished before everyone else, as usual, my head normally processes thing faster than normal people. I took my headphones off and set them down and a while later I heard the buzzer signalling, time was up. "Well, I think I got at least half!" "That many? Wow!" "I'm jealous, I didn't get most of the questions." A bunch of the younger kids said to eachother. "Yeah! But knowing Maya, she probably got all of them correct before the rest of us even got half." One of the kids laughed and I smiled thinking about how they thought so high of me. 

"Let's quiet down and go through the results." Mom said as everyone stopped talking to listen. "Maya, Emma, Ray, and Norman. Perfect scores again. Fantastic! I'm so proud." Mom said as Emma cheered. "And Maya, you finished the test in..." She trailed off as she looked at the paper surprised and I got worried. "You finished the test in under 2 minutes! You've beaten your own record! I'm very proud." Mom said and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled. "Alright!" I quietly cheered as Ray chuckled. "Still quiet as ever huh? Even when you're celebrating." Ray chuckled with his classic smirk. "Yeah, yeah. So what?" I said as I flicked his forehead. "Ow. That actually hurt." Ray said holding his forehead. "Next time, don't make fun of me." I laughed. Everyone started talking about the four of us and I saw Don looking strange, like he wanted to yell at something but he wasn't mad. "Norman!" Don yelled as he stood up. "I'm challenging you to tag!" Don yelled as he pointed to Norman and I just chuckled and shook my head. 

I was sitting next to Ray while reading a book with him as all the other kids, except Norman, all ran into the forest. Norman looked to us and I pulled out a pocketwatch that Ray gave to me for my birthday last year. It had been 10 seconds and I nodded at Norman and he ran to find everyone. "I'm surprised that you didn't join in." Ray said as I put away the pocketwatch. "I didn't want to just leave you alone, plus, I know you'd miss me~" I teased and he went red.       "W-What? Absolutely not!" He stuttered and I smirked. "Did you just stutter?" I asked and he froze as he just realized it. "No!" He said quickly as I burst out in laughter. "God, your reaction is priceless! I'm just teasing you!" I said as I wiped a tear away. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder, he tensed but than relaxed a second later. "Like the taste of your own medicine?" I asked and he didn't reply. "Oh, come on. Don't give me the silent treatment now." I whined as I slid my head down so it was resting in his lap.

3rd person Pov

"Raaaaaaayyyy!" Maya stretched. "Emo boi." She said, still nothing. "Forest eyes?" Nothing. "Bookworm?" No reply. "Baby?" Maya asked and Ray tensed up. "W-What!?" He said looking down from his book. "Yes! I got you to talk to me!" Maya quietly cheered and he looked back to his book. "Don't call me things like that." He said but he got no reply. "Maya? Are you giving me the silent treatment now-oh." He said as he looked at Maya who had drifted to sleep. He sighed and looked down at the sleeping Maya. 

A few minutes later *Maya's Pov*

My eyes fluttered open to see Ray looking down at me. "Welcome back sleeping beauty." Ray smirked. "Aww, you think I'm a beauty." I teased and a he turned red again but shook it away. "So what if I do?" He smirked and leaned down to where our faces were only inches apart, this time I was blushing. He leaned down and I closed my eyes but I didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes to see him at my ear. "Revenge." He whispered into my ear and it sent chills down my spine, then he had the nerve to bite my ear. "Ah~" I moaned quietly and immediately covered my mouth with my hand. I saw him pull away with his face redder than a tomato. "Whoa, what's happening here?" Emma asked slyly and I shot up which caused Ray and my head to collide. "Ow!" We said simultaneously as I fell back onto his lap holding my head and Ray did the same but he went up. Emma however was on the ground, dying of laughter while Ray and I were still recovering. 

"Emma!" I yelled and she immediately stopped laughing. I only yell when I get mad or when I want and/or need to. "Crap..." She trailed off as I stood up, I wiped the blood off my face from my bleeding nose. "Emma..." I said darkly. "You better run." Norman said putting a hand on Emma's shoulder. Emma started screaming once I had started chasing her. "Get back here Emma!" I yelled after her. "Are they going for another round of tag or something?" Don asked Norman and he shook his head. "Emma startled both Maya and Ray making them hit their heads against eachother and now Maya is Furiously chasing Emma for laughing at them." Norman explained and Don nodded. "Yeah, I heard her start yelling. Emma's dead meat." Don said and Norman nodded.

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