
31 3 9

Water falls without restraint

Invisible, til a window or headlight

Exposes it.

Here is the beauty and sorrow of nature raw.

Here is nature as it washes—

Here is nature as it cleanses—

The dirt from the streetlamp, the road, the person.

But let expose my face to the clouds.

I am young, yet I am filthy beyond measure.

Flow through me, rain, I beseech you.

Flow through me, until my eyes imitate you with rain of their own.

And it makes me wonder, for they call this crying

Are you crying?

Nature, do you cry for your state by man wrecked?

Nature, do you cry for our ignorance and filth?

Nature, do you cry for your leaving?

The water ebbs, and here I am 

In the shadow of the streetlight

Now our tears are equal

Then a stripe of colour breaks

Out over the sky.

Your attempt to smile.

But we all know that it’s an illusion.

It’s beautiful,

And I realise

That I can do it too.

It’s beautiful,

And I realise

That it comforts, soothes

It is my responsibility.

I get up

On my feet

And walk down this one way street.


AN: Attempt no. 2 at writing a no-rhymes poem. Result? Hopefully better than the last one. But I don't know. You tell me.

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