Chapter 2: The accident in the Cafeteria

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While I kneeled down to pick up my books and my glasses, I felt for my glasses and felt a hand instead. The hand was warm and smooth and while the boy in front of me stood up he helped me stand up. He put my glasses on my face so I could see who this clearly was. While I was staring at him he held out his hand and introduced himself, "My name is Brandon." he told me with a smile. I held my hand out to shake his hand and told him my name, "My name is Bailey." We were still holding each other's hands and his thumb rubbed on my hand with a soft smooth stroke, but he was looking at me weirdly. I took my hand back and he bent down and handed me my books and I finally realized he was already a jock with his blue and yellow Letterman jacket. He asked me if I knew where his other class was and I showed him because we have the same class. We walked in and sat down, Brandon sat down by me and of course the jocks sat in front of me in every class. Aden the leader turned around to see that Brandon was sitting by me and said, "Why are you sitting by this loser?" The other two shook their heads in agreement, but Brandon told them that he wanted to make friends at this school and was glad it was me first. "Thanks, but I'm used to it, it's everyday and every year of my life," I told him.

Brandon sat there looking at me with sadness in his eyes. He finally looked down, writing notes from what the teacher was writing on the board and he answered me by saying, "No one should be put through that, not even a girl." We continued working in silence with my heart thumping and beating fast until the end of class. And to be honest after that class, every class went by fast until it was lunch time. While I was getting my lunch tray Brandon asked if he could sit by me and my friend and of course I told him yes, I mean look at him he's gorgeous and had no friends. We walked together and sat down by Jaylynn and introduced him to her. And when we were talking, Matty over by the food cart getting food always moved his hand through his hair and he did it for no reason. I think it attracts girls and it was definitely attracting me to Matty, but even more since I've always had a crush on him. I was taking a drink of chocolate milk and I sat there daydreaming while looking at him and it was about Matty in the hot warm sun at the beach while he was running out of the water wet while the salty water dripped off his smooth skin, while his hand ran through his hair. And all of a sudden all I could feel was the chocolate milk that went all over my lap. Apparently Matty saw me staring at him and saw I just embarrassed myself and he got napkins quickly and brought them over to me. He took the napkins and I turned to him and he was trying to dab and clean up the chocolate milk from my jeans and he moved up towards my shirt and apparently the milk went down my shirt, he didn't clean that but he did try to clean it off my shirt and my neck. While he was cleaning it up for me I was looking at him while my heart thumping and resisting trying to kiss him.

When he was done he looked up at me and we stared a little bit, and then while staring he said to me, "There you go dork." "Thanks," I said to him while holding the stare. Jaylynn asked me if I was okay and it broke the stare between me and Matty. He got up winked and then walked back to where my sister and her friends were sitting. I told Jaylynn I'm fine and Brandon obviously asked me two questions, "Are you and Matty in a relationship?" I said no and I hoped we were, but we weren't sadly and then he asked, "Okay then, do you want to accompany me at a party in the woods tonight?" I said yes with a grin on my face. "I've never been to a party before though," I told him with me looking down at my food embarrassed. "It's a piece of cake you'll love it," he told me with confidence. When the bell rang I looked at Matty and he turned and saw me looking at me. He looked at me and smiled and while I was walking the jocks came up behind me and so did Brandon. I didn't care though and when the jocks were passing I slipped on a wet spot not paying attention to where I was walking. I surely thought I was going to fall down and I was falling backwards so I shut my eyes. I opened them when I didn't fall and I was scared to open my eyes to see who it was that caught me. I slowly opened them, my heart thumping and saw that Collin was holding me while I was bent backwards. Collin looked at me and whispered, "lucky I caught you." I smiled, but I saw Matty coming over and Collin leaned me up like nothing happened. Brandon was beside Collin not knowing why he was holding me.

Brandon whispered if I was okay and I nodded my head. Matty was right behind me when I backed up into him. I turned and his arms were gently holding my waist making sure I didn't fall again. "Are you okay Bailey?" he asked me. I nodded my head and Matty saw everyone looking, he slowly removed his hands sliding them off my waist. He smiled and I smiled back and that's when I turned around to see how many people saw that. I saw Collin looking confused and looked down at his feet and then to my feet. I saw his eyes looking all the way up me and then stopped to meet my eyes. I looked at him and I tried to break the staring, but I couldn't because there is something about him I can't make out. The late bell rang and everyone rushed off to their classes. My last class was writing in which I had Matty and Collin in that class and I sat second to last, Collin sat beside me, and Matty sat behind him. While I was writing and the class was silent I brought my eyes to look at Collin and he turned and looked at me not knowing that was going to happen.

Collin smirked at me and then looked back down writing something on a piece of paper. I saw Collin looking to make sure no one was looking and he leaned over and put two hands on my arm and my heart started beating fast. I looked around and no one was looking, so I turned my head to him and he whispered to me, "I have something for you." He placed a note on my desk and it was the note he was working on earlier and then he leaned back into his seat slowly letting go of my arm. I looked back at Matty looking at me and then to Collin and turned back as fast as I could. I opened the note and it said, "Dear Bailey, if you are going to the party tonight meet me over by the bonfire. P.S. You look really good today." I looked over in confusion and saw Matty looking back at me while Collin was looking at me. Matty whispered, making sure I'm the only one who heard, "What was that?" I shook my head saying nothing back and I turned back around and looked at Collin. Apparently he was looking at me and I smiled at him and shook my head ok letting him know.

I went back to my locker and put my books in my locker and I turned around and Matty was right there so close to me and I got shocked and almost fell into the locker when he held me by my waist. "What was that in writing class today with Collin?" Matty asked me with concern. I told him nothing why? He didn't answer back, I looked over his shoulder a little bit and saw Collin right there staring at Matty's hands around my waist. Matty told me sincerely to be careful around the jocks because I know how they are to you. I told him so you do notice me in school while I was smiling. Matty tightened his hands around my waist and said, "Of course I have, I always have." My heart started beating faster and I saw his eyes looking at my lips and he leaned in and I shut my eyes and he gave me a hug. I leaned in and saw Collin looking at me and then walked away with his head down. He told me that he'll see me at the party tonight and left me with a kiss on the forehead.

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