Chapter 9: Plan B

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I woke up sleeping on the couch not knowing if I passed out or just fell asleep on my own. I got my diary and started writing in it, what I've dreamed. The twins were in a flower field with me, Collin, and Andrew. We were all happy and we were all together. I felt a kick in my stomach so I stopped writing and got up to go outside. I love this place. It's wonderful for the kids. It's safe and comfortable so I don't want anything to happen. Andrew came out to join me for my stroll to keep a close eye on me. "I want the kids to grow up here in this place." I told Andrew with my eyes bright. "We shall but, kids as in multiple?" Andrew questioned me. I forgot to tell everyone that I knew I was having twins. So, I told him everything I wrote and saw in the diary and in my dreams. Andrew stopped in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I couldn't tell what he was feeling because he had no expression and nothing in his eyes like Collin. He slowly came to me and gave me a long hug. We started to head back up to the house when we passed by the flower field that looked exactly like in my dream. I kneeled down to the flowers and looked at one specifically but, I didn't know why.

Andrew kneeled down and got the white daffodil flower I was looking at. He stood up and motioned for me to stand in front of him. Andrew helped me up and tucked my hair behind my ear. He placed the flower behind my ear holding in place. He held his hand out for me to hold but, I didn't know if I was ready to. I looked at his hand for a moment and then grabbed it. Andrew's smile lit up his whole face while we were walking back with the flower in my hair. As we got near the house I got a major pain and I yelped and had a tear run down my face that I didn't see. Andrew wiped the tear off my cheek and helped me calm down. He took breathes with me and helped me up the stairs. I opened the door and Collin was coming out with Addison with me bumping into him. "Sorry. Um... Have fun." I told him, smiling. "You too." Collin told me politely. Me and Andrew entered and he helped me over to the couch. I kinda figured that my sister Addison was pregnant because of her stomach.

I fell asleep after eating a salad for dinner and had a nightmare. I didn't think it would happen. "Please help! Gather around and kill! We can't let this place go down!" I screamed in my sleep as I was sweating. Andrew woke up quickly and shook my shoulders. I woke up by leaning up, quickly bumping into his head. "Sorry." I told him. 'It's okay it was just a dream you are okay now." Andrew told me. I grabbed my diary quickly and wrote down that the farm gets taken over tonight when we are all sleeping, but me and Andrew. It was three in the morning when I woke up with the nightmare. I got to warn everyone when they woke up so I went back to bed. I woke up and didn't see anyone, not even Andrew. I leaned up and saw my belly bigger than it was. I stood up and went outside. Everyone was outside because it was a nice day again. I stood on the porch with my diary and yelled to have everyone's attention so I can tell them.

Everyone came right over and they listened but, after I got done everyone started laughing like it was a joke. Andrew came over and brought me inside and said, "You are probably just thinking it's going to happen but, it won't we are safe." I gave him an I'm sure mad face because he didn't believe me. I showed him my diary that I've been writing in because it felt important. I sat down on the couch and I felt two kicks instead of one. I smiled and had a pained look in his eyes. I looked down, rubbing my stomach with one hand. Andrew looked at me then he reached his hand towards my stomach. Andrew placed one hand on my stomach and the other on my hand. He smiled because he could feel them kick. Collin came over excitedly and put his hand on my stomach. Addison came over by Collin while rubbing her stomach. "I am happy for you Addison and Collin. I wish you my happiness." I told Addison and Collin. They smiled and then they left hand in hand.

We finally were all sleeping, but I couldn't because of what I saw in my dream. I sat up hoping they weren't here yet because it was a big herd. We should call them something different then zombies, maybe like walkers. I got up and walked over to the door. I know we wouldn't keep this place for much longer. I looked at everything and wished we didn't have to leave. I walked out to the porch swing waiting for it to happen. I looked towards the woods and saw one walker. I stood up and walked down the stairs not being able to see far. There was fog everywhere, but I didn't see it in my dream. I walked further out having my knife in hand. I squinted my eyes and saw a lot more than I thought. I ran as fast as I could back to the house quietly and fell. I can't get up. "HELP!" I screamed. No one heard so I crawled as fast as I could. Everyone rushed out looking for me, but they couldn't find me. I was way out there by the flower field. I raised my hand signaling that I was over here. Andrew was the only one that saw me and he rushed over.

He picked me up and carried me to the house while everyone else fought. Andrew sat me down on the couch to look at my ankle. It was swollen so I needed crutches. "I have to go help fight with the others to keep this place." Andrew told me while his hand was on my knee. "Yeah go help fight and save this place." I told him. So with that he got up and grabbed an ax and went out the door. I hobbled over to the window to see what was happening. "Everyone circle up and stay in formation!" Collin said. They all were in a circle and killed all the walkers. Andrew got mad and sad because this was a perfect place for the children. He left formation and went ham on the walkers. "Andrew! Get back in formation!" Collin demanded. Andrew did nothing and went on a killing spree. He killed all the walkers basicly and ran back to the house. I stood at the door and he rushed in and gave me a bear hug. "I will never let you lose anything." Andrew whispered in my ear.

When everyone went back inside everyone stared at Andrew. "I guess we move on to plan B." Andrew said. "Which is what?" I asked. "We build secure walls around this place. Everyone didn't really sleep after what just happened. I tried sleeping knowing I should get more answers from my dreams. I had my ankle wrapped up in an ace bandage with crutches by the couch. I layed there for a while then fell asleep.

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