Chapter 14: The Bite

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          Collin and I went on a spree so we could find medicine and things we needed. We split up in the woods while having my new samurai sword and chased after walkers going opposite ways. I sliced two of them and then one came from behind me. Before I knew it it bit me on my forearm and then I spun and sliced the head. I covered the bite with my jacket that I put back on. No one could know what happened, not even Collin. I got some things to bring back and then we met back to the spot at the main road. "How was it any trouble?" Collin asked me. I lied to him saying, "Nope not at all." We walked back and made it back to home.

          We went through the gates and had my sword in my covering on my back. I went back and of course the twins came up and hugged me and then went back to playing in the dirt and with Blue. I went inside and into the bathroom and locked it. I slid my jacket off and saw the bite mark. My maroon shirt was a little dirty, but the blood was going down my arm. I took a dark rag and wiped off the blood and wrapped my forearm. I slid my jacket back on and went downstairs. I tried to hide my wrap which worked and so I went to Andrew. He kissed me and then hugged me saying, "How did it go?" I told him it was good, which it really didn't go very well.

          All of a sudden everything went black. I woke up to a wet towel on my head and Andrew, Hope, and Zach sitting on the bed next to me. I knew it was the bite causing this. "You got to hot mommy just like me and Zach." Hope told me with a tear. I could tell she was concerned about me then I held out my hand and said, "I'm fine baby." I held my other hand out for Zach and then tried to relax. It went by two days and I was still in bed. Everyone thought I was sick, but I knew I was dying and slowly turning into a walker. Hope and Zach brought me some chicken soup and a spoon. "Thanks." I told them. "Daddy is making us some meatloaf for dinner and we decided to bring up some soup." Zach told me with a smile. They went back downstairs and then Andrew came up.

          He felt my head and it went up a lot and then saw I was sweating and had grey around my eyes. He reached up to take off my jacket and I let him. He saw my wrap demanding, "Tell me what this is." I unwrapped my forearm and showed him my bite. It was infected even more and Zach and Hope ran upstairs. "Dad the..." Hope said. They saw the bite and ran over to me. "Mommy?" Zach asked. They had tears go down their faces. They hugged me and then asked, "Can you bring me the white flower I showed you outside?" They ran and a couple seconds later they brought it back. I told Andrew to stand back and to have the twins join hands. Their other hands touched my forearm. Hope's right hand and Zach's left hand. I placed the flower in between their locked hands and then a glow happened.

         It went bright for a couple seconds and then went dark. Andrew came over and looked at my arm and so did Hope and Zach. We saw it slowly heal and the skin grew back to normal. It looks like nothing was there. I looked at the twins still holding hands. "I knew it was going to work because I dreamed it last night. We can't tell anyone." I demanded. They all hugged me and Andrew helped me stand up and walk. It's been awhile since I've walked. Hope and Zach help me also while I walk. We all sit down at the table that is white and has white wooden chairs. We all laughed while we ate meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn. "That was really good daddy." The twins told them. They got up and went over to Andrew and hugged him. I got up and cleaned the dishes and then I headed upstairs so I could tuck the twins in bed. I kissed them on the forehead then went to lay down in my room with Andrew.

          The next day I woke up and brushed my teeth and took my hair down and brushed it. I looked at my arm where the bite was and there was a big scar for some reason. I went downstairs and saw the kids playing with the dog and Andrew sitting on the couch reading. I can't stop remembering how painful the bite was; it was suffering and dying. Today was the big movie day for the community in the town park. It was really big for the kids. We all start heading there at eight o'clock at night. So we got all ready for tonight looking nice. "Okay Hope let's get you showered and dressed." She ran to me and I picked her up. I gave her a bath and brushed her long hair. After that I dressed her up in light blue jeans and a maroon t-shirt. She slipped on her white sandals and she held my hand while we walked down stairs.

          I saw Andrew with Zach and we all got a blanket and headed off to the town park. It was a movie about Jurassic World. It was so good and then it was over. We all got up and then we heard a bang. A wall fell and walkers came in. There are so many we all needed to get inside and take cover. Kids were screaming and crying and then Andrew picked up Zach and covered his mouth. I picked up Hope but she wasn't crying or screaming. We ran back to the house and I got my sword and started heading to the door. Hope grabbed my hand and so did Zach. We walked out together hand in hand and everyone was in their houses so it was up to us. The flower that they used on me is still with them for a while. We started blasting the walkers but it was taking too long.

          So we decided to spread out a little still hand in hand which made the power increase further. We let out a big power to destroy the walkers inside or near the walls. We made our hands go out and blast power out of our hands. They drain power from me into their bodies. After the big power from the twins the walkers were laying on the ground. I passed out and fell to the ground while the twins still held my hands. I woke up in the bed and realized I passed out from the big power from the twins. I saw them on the bed next to me with Blue. "Thanks for helping mommy." Hope told me. I kissed her on the forehead and then kissed Zach on the forehead. I knew it would drain me and the more I remember I had no dreams of the future. I want to call them visions of the future for my family's case.

          I looked at my laptop at the pictures scrolling through and remembered mom and dad. I can't believe I lost my mom and dad. I couldn't imagine not going through life without a mom. My mom was the best and hopefully I am too. I wish I could meet my dad and see what he was like. I leaned up out of the bed and pet Blue and then got up. "Go play kids. I'm going to talk to your dad real quick." I demanded. They ran downstairs and Andrew came over by me on the bed. I leaned in for a hug and we hugged for a couple minutes. "Are you okay?" Andrew asked me. I nodded my head and then we started kissing and then we got further into the bed. Couple minutes later. We were sitting up against the headboard while half our bodies were in the blanket.

          "I miss my dad and mom." I said trying to hold back the tears. He pulled me in closer and I laid on his chest. I didn't know if I was in my right state of mind or not. I got up and put my clothes back on and so did Andrew. "I'll be going to work on planting flowers and maybe help with the walls." I said to Andrew. Andrew laid in bed because it was his day off work. I walked down the stairs and outside. I walked over to the walls to make a walk around the perimeter and fix the wall. I was in the back where no one could see me. I feel like someone was watching me very closely. I stopped and then felt hands around my waist. "Andrew, you're off work today." I told him. He spun me around and started kissing me and that's when he backed me up against a house and lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him not wanting to stop kissing. He moved me into the light where I could see him.

          I opened my eyes and saw... "Collin?!" I exclaimed and put my feet on the ground and scooted back away from him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend." I told him with a stern voice. I jogged back around the house catching my breath and saw the twins run towards me. "When can we meet your mom and dad?" Zach and Hope asked. I kneeled down to them and explained that my mom was gone and that I think my dad was too. They gave me a hug and I started crying because I missed them so much. "Someone at the gate!" Aden yelled out. I got up and wiped my tears away and took the twins with me and then went through the gate. I couldn't believe what I saw. It can't be real. Can it? I saw...

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