Chapter 11: Twins

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My due date was today! I underlined it twice and I sat up even more. They both woke up while I stared at my writing that was underlined twice. They both looked and saw what I wrote down. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. I got up and went downstairs. They followed me and I went out the front door. I got my knife from the porch and opened the gate. They rushed and grabbed their knives. They know not to mess with me and that I can not have any doubts. I was in shock and didn't know what I was doing. I stopped in the woods and turned towards them. "I don't want to die in childbirth." I told them. "You won't." Collin said. "There is always Hope that you won't and all this will be okay. I promise." Andrew told me. They both brought me back while I killed all the walkers in our way to let go of all my anger.

On our way back we saw something run. Collin and Andrew told me to stay in between them because they didn't want me to get hurt. Then we heard a growl and it was vicious. And all of a sudden we saw a puppy come out of the woods. By what I can tell it was a Miniature Australian Shepherd that was all black and had a tint of blue in it. I got out and walked towards it. "Stop! It could be dangerous." Collin said. I looked back and stopped in my tracks. I shook my head at him and smiled. The dog came closer and I pet it. "I'll call you Blue." I told the dog. The dog barked and I told it to follow us all the way home.

When we got home they opened the gates and Blue followed in with us. I went to the house and got a bowl and put some canned dog food in it. I brought it outside and placed it down. The puppy started eating and then I placed a bowl with water in it for Blue. In my dream it didn't say what time I would have birth, but I couldn't think about it right now. I got up and walked inside to lay down. As soon as I got up stairs my water broke. I looked down while Collin and Andrew were right behind me. "Brooklyn!" They both yelled. Brooklyn rushed to my side and helped me into the bed and then I started having contractions. Two hours later I gave birth to one and it was the boy. Two more hours later I gave birth to the girl. They were cleaned off and wrapped in a blanket. I held them both in my arms and started crying of happiness. "What are you naming them?" Brooklyn asked me.

"I thought for the boy maybe Zach and for the girl..." I told them and then I thought about what Collin said.("There is always Hope Bailey." Collin whispered to me.) Then I thought about what Andrew said. ("There is always Hope that you won't and all of this will be okay. I promise." Andrew told me.) "And for the girl Hope." I told them. I looked at the twins and smiled. I fell asleep and Collin had Zach and Andrew had Hope. I was out a couple of days drained from my energy. Andrew and Collin sat by me with the kids while I was sleeping. When I woke up I forgot it all and grabbed my diary. I wrote that the kids Hope and Zach found the flower and placed it on my stomach and said some random words that I don't know and they placed their hands on my forearms. "It will all be okay mommy." They both said. And then I placed the diary down and saw there were two baby cribs.

The babies started crying and I got up and got them both and breast fed them. After they ate I brought them downstairs and went outside into the warm heat. I sat on the grass and Nick and Sofia came over and sat down in front of me. I gave Zach to Nick and Hope to Sofia. They sat there and rocked them and played with them. "Be careful and take care of them, I'll be right back." I demanded them. I walked over to where Collin and Andrew were without their shirts working. They both turned to me and I hugged them both. They hugged me back and Andrew told me, "You've been out for a couple of days because of exhaustion. Did you see anything in your dream?" I nodded my head and got the diary out of my back pocket and showed them it. They both looked confused then Andrew said, "I've seen that flower in the field. The white daffodil." I nodded and they followed me to the spot.

We all looked at the flower and heard footsteps. We all spun around to see Nick and Sofia with the twins. Sofia handed me Hope and Nick handed Andrew Zach while we stood there. "Sorry we have plans if it's okay." Sofia said. I smiled and told them both, "It's okay you are still kids. So go have fun." They both smiled and ran towards the house. I sat down with Hope and Andrew and Collin sat down also. "Do you think there is somewhere out there that is free from walkers?" I asked them both. "I don't know there might be. It could be far away from here though." Collin said. I nodded my head and then that's when I said, "There is always Hope." Collin stood up and said he better get back to working. Andrew and I stood up with the twins and walked towards the house.

When we reached the house Collin hollard for everyone to come over. Everyone went over by Collin and so did we. "Alright everybody, we are going to have to take some people to help us recruit more people and help others in need. Who wants to volunteer?" Collin asked everyone. Andrew raised his hand with Aden, Sofia, Nick, and Jaylynn. I wanted to raise my hand so that's what I did. Brooklyn stood up and walked over to me. She took Hope and Zach so she could watch them for me while I was gone. I handed the twins to her and went to get better clothes on. I put on Black skinny jeans, a maroon v-neck shirt, and black combat boots with heels. I also threw my hair up in a high ponytail and grabbed a black jacket that fit in my arm length, but in my body length it is a little short. I walked out while heading downstairs while everyone stared. "Are we ready?" I asked everyone who was already downstairs.

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