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I leaned against the balustrade and stared intently at Fiona

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I leaned against the balustrade and stared intently at Fiona. Her dark eyes glimmered in the scintillating sunlight, the strands of her beauteous blond locks incessantly brushing against her face due to the light breeze. "Blakie, come down." She called out excitedly.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, perplexed.

"Oh God! You ask too many questions. Just come," she facepalmed.

I tottered down the stairs and rushed to the garden. Breathing heavily, I glanced at her, "What's it?"

She sat on the bench and picked up a pastel pink gig bag from the side. Taking out the guitar, she settled herself in the perfect position.

I was dumbfounded as I watched her with the utmost bewilderment.

Her fingers wavered as she played with the strings of the instrument, her gaze never leaving mine.

We were both young, when I first saw you...
The lyrics softly escaped her lips, as she smiled at me.

My heart hammered against my chest, like a weight inside was dragging me down. I clenched my fists to shrug away the tremulousness that clung to my lower abdomen.

I shut my eyes briefly as the mesmerizing tune of the song jingled in my ears and opened them again, this time boring my gaze into that of hers.

Fiona's eyes were dark brown, but all I saw was a pair of innocent hazel eyes. Her full lips were red and glossy and her smile was bewitching, but all I saw was her pink lips and colourful smile. Amidst the romantic scenario, my eyes witnessed everything that my heart wanted to see. The girl with chocolate brown hair that cascaded down her waistline and a round face smiled at me. She looked like a dream. She looked like my girl.

Dumbo. Mr. Anderson is a dumbo.
All I could hear was Leah's voice, constantly ringing in my head.

I stirred from my trance at those words. Leah wasn't the girl proposing me with the guitar. It was Fiona. I was lost in the labyrinth of my imagination. Again.
And my heart shattered into a million pieces.


"Blake," Fiona whispered.
I looked at her with no expressions, like none of them was apt for the situation.
"Shawn Mendes is the second most charming guy in the world, can I go to prom with the first?" Her cheeks had a hint of crimson, her exhilaration depicting her unawareness of the storm inside my head.

I couldn't speak.
Couldn't move.
Couldn't tell her anything.

Her expecting eyes waited for an answer and a pang of guilt sent shivers down my spine.

What am I doing?

"I...umm..." I tittered nervously, unable to think of anything. I stared at the ground for almost half a minute, the lingering awkwardness playing with my fragile feelings. It was like an endless void of emotions with no escape.

"Blake?" She spoke, her eyebrows furrowing steadily.

"Yes...I" Before I could even finish my sentence, she jumped and caught me in a warm embrace. "I knew it. You're the best Blakie." She whispered into my ears.

I failed to reciprocate the hug. My hands hung loosely by my side as I stood there, trying to take in the abrupt dose of hundreds of emotions at once.

What am I doing?


"Blakie, I hope you remember the theme." Rachel frowned at me.

Being a part of the decorating committee, we had been working incessantly for two hours. Rachel had been chattering endlessly about her makeup and nails while Leah and I spoke absolutely nothing the whole time, trying to portray how seriously we were engrossed in our work.

Rachel knew little about the tempest in our hearts.

"Yes. I clearly remember the theme of Masquerade Prom. Don't worry, everything is sorted." I assured her.

"That's great! We can definitely go home then. It's all wrapped up." She winked at me.

"By the way Blake, when are you proposing Leah for prom?" Rachel chuckled.

I mentally rolled my eyes.
Why did she have to bring that up?

"I am going to the prom with Fiona." I uttered the words with the utmost courage.

Leah, who had been working constantly for the past two hours, stopped abruptly and stared at me blankly.

"Are you kidding me? Blake, what's wrong with you?" Rachel was visibly annoyed.

"Rachel actually-" I started.

"I asked him to do that." Leah interrupted.

My eyes widened in horror as I faced her, entirely flabbergasted at the words she spilled out.

"You know me, Rachel. I do not belong to this world of prom, glitzy gowns, dates and proposals. My idea of a perfect night would rather be Netflix and hot chocolate. Blake was insisting, so I told him to go with Fiona." She smiled and looked away, suppressing all the cavernous emotions she carried.

"Oh God! Typical Leah Harlow," Rachel chuckled.
"Guys. Eth is calling me, I gotta go right now. You two can carry on." She picked up her handbag and dashed out of the hall.

There was another moment of awkward silence between us, when finally, I gathered some courage and spoke to her.

"Why did you say that?" I penetrated my gaze deep into hers.

"I don't owe you any justification." She picked up her stuff and started heading out of the hall.

"Leah stop." I held her by the wrist.

"Blake. Can you let me live in peace, please? For God's sake leave me alone. It's over." She trailed off.

I let go of her wrist and she walked away.

It's over.

Her voice kept ringing in my ears, the pain blowing me to bits everytime I thought about it.

I was about to leave when suddenly, I got distracted by an eerie ray of pale yellow light emerging from my backpack. The hall was empty so I quietly peeped through the ajar zip. I dug my hands inside the bag and took out The Soulmate Guide.

How did it reach here?

I stared in astonishment as I opened the book, panting heavily.

Blakie. It's time now. Time to reveal the last characteristic of your soulmate.

I gulped in disbelief. It seemed as if the guide was desperate to find my soulmate. Just like I was.

Your soulmate will be your Prom partner.



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