♡ prologue

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I walked away from the store since I finished paying my groceries and I sighed as I achieved carrying the heavy bag. "Aigoo, this is really heavy!"

I pulled the handle up to my shoulder then my phone suddenly rang.

Who could it be?

I took my phone and answered when I saw the caller's ID.

"Noona, where are you?" Junghwan asked me on the other line.

"I'm on my way home, done getting our groceries." I sighed and chuckled. "These are really heavy you know, don't expect me to run all the way there."

"I told you I should've come with you," he whined.

"Then who'll watch over the house?" I retorted.

"We can just lock it, you know." He insisted.

"Its better if someone is watching over the house." I said then I heard him groan from the other line.

I smiled at his cuteness. "I bought your favorites."

I heard him gasp. "Really?"

I hummed a yes and he screamed in excitement on the other line.

"Thank you noo---"

I wasn't able to hear the rest of what Junghwan said when I suddenly felt the phone out of my hands.

A tall guy passed by me who ran at such great speed and even looked back at me several times.

Who the hell is this jerk?!

The weight of the groceries on my shoulder didn't matter to me anymore. I chased him with all my might and yelled, "yah!"

With squinted eyes and gritted teeth I was sprinting with anger and confusion.

Out of all people he could steal a phone from, why me?!

And of all the things he would steal from me, why my phone?!

I was catching up to him when he looked back at me. Now that I am closer to him I saw his face.

On his face there plastered a worried look.

Hah, good for you.

Be worried because you're going to regret messing with me for your entire life in jail!

"Come back here, asshole!" I yelled.

Junghwan... he might worry about me.

I fastened my pace but I am starting to grow tired.

"Hey!" I called again but the guy just won't stop.

Is he running faster or is it just me who's going slower?

I started panting and beads of sweat began to trickle down the sides of my face.

This jerk...

"Ah!" He suddenly yelled when his shoe suddenly sprang off his foot.

I froze. It was surprising and at the same time a little funny.

He slowed down and I took that opportunity to catch up to him.

He noticed me coming closer and his eyes widened.

Instead of putting his shoe back on, he left it there on the pavement and ran away.

I slowed down and watched him grew smaller in my sight until he was completely gone.

"Aigoo!" I sighed heavily as I rested my hands on my knees.

I'm so tired...

I walked towards the lonely shoe and took it.

I stared at it as I remembered the moment he snatched the phone from my hand.

With gritted teeth I swore, "who are you, thief?"

I'm going to find out who that person is and take my phone back.

He won't be sleeping peacfully afterwards!

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: Thanks for choosing to read this book! Please anticipate the next updates. I will work hard as Treasure is doing the same for their new album! ^^

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