♡ one

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I didn't sleep well last night.

I don't even know if I had slept.

I fumbled through my blankets until I realized I have nothing to fumble for anymore.

I don't have a phone anymore.

The thought made me pout and had my heart breaking.

I don't have a phone anymore.

I curled up into a fetus position and closed my eyes.

I suddenly felt a hand rubbing my shoulder. My eyes opened and I looked at that person.

Oh, its only Junghwan.

"Noona, you look like you've been up all night," he frowned.

I sat up and sighed. "Why did you wake up so early in the morning, Junghwan?"

"Because I have school," he chuckled.

"Oh, right..." I chuckled softly too.


Lack of sleep made me lose a lot of brain cells.

I slapped his back softly. "Now go wash yourself. I'm gonna cook breakfast."

He nodded and went out of our room to wash himself up.

Living with my brother, with no parents to support us is hard. The pressure is all on me. I have to act like a mother and a father to him now that they're gone.

I am the only one who Junghwan can rely on.

I shouldn't be stressing over the phone too much. Besides, if I save up some money then maybe in two months I can buy a phone again.

But... can I last a day without a phone?

How can I even communicate with my baby brother?

With irritation clouding my mind I got up and left my not-yet-arranged room and started cooking egg rolls and rice. I prepared the bento box too and started cooking his lunch.

He came out already dressed up in his uniform.

He sat down on the dining table and watched me cook with a smiling face.

Aigoo, so cute!

I smiled back at him and his smile faded. "Don't look at me like that."

"Why?" I laughed and went back to cooking.

My brother is so big now that he's getting shy whenever I baby him.

I finished cooking and placed our breakfast in the table. I took off the gloves and sat down beside him.

He was about to dig in when I slapped his hand and clicked my tongue. "We're gonna pray first, right?"

He sighed and bowed his head down as I prayed. We finished with our amen and Junghwan started digging in.

I stared at him and I frowned.

How awful it is... I feel awful for Junghwan.

He didn't got the chance to be with mom and dad often. He was so little before when they died. From what I remember, he was only three that time.

"Yah, noona! Stop staring," he scolded me again with his cheeks full.

I woke up from my day dream and chuckled. I pinched his nose and said, "you're just so cute!"

His ears flushed pink as he continued eating. Aigoo, my innocent baby brother. How can I protect you from this harsh world?

(Sorry for baby-ing Junghwanie too much its just that imagining him as a little brother makes me want to baby him so much lmao)

"Is Jaehyuk going to pick you up?" I asked him.

He slowed down and switched glances from me and his plate before answering hesistantly. "Yes."

So bad at lying my dear brother.

"Ahh, is that so?" I said, trying to go with him. And he bought it.

"Yeah, h-he said that he'll meet me by the convenience store. The one that's just a block away. You know..." He tried to lie.

I sighed and started munching down too. After I swallowed I said, "I'm taking you to school, whether you like it or not."

I'm not letting Junghwan go to school alone. He's only sixteen! We don't know how bad people are these days. Some don't just do bad things to girls, but even to boys. Yes, that's the truth about this wicked world.

"Noona I can handle myself. It's so embarrassing! They'll think that I---"

I cut him off. "Then I'll teach those kids a lesson. You know me Junghwan. You know what I am capable of."

He stayed silent after what I said.

"No one messes with my brother," I said fiercely with a smirk before eating again.

He placed the silverwear and the utensils on the sink before going to his bedroom. He's probably going to get his things now.

I better hurry up or this kid will sneak past me.

As I finished eating he went out the room and walked up to me. He handed me something and my eyes widened.

I quickly took it and stared at it.

"How... how did you get this?" I asked him in disbelief.

"How did you get my phone from that thief?" I asked him again.

I ran my hands through the screen and its back and hugged it to my face.

Oh gosh, I miss my phone so much.

(Sign of cellphone addiction)

"It was on the bathroom window." He briefly said before walking up the door.


I opened my phone since I didn't put a password in it and my eyebrows crashed with each other because the moment I opened it it was on my contacts.

I pressed on a contact that seems unfamiliar. Its an unknown number saved on my phone.

Is this the thief's number?

Why did he left it here?

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: this might not be rom-com at all I'm taking it back XD

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