♡ fourteen

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I'm going for a jog this morning and I invited Soobin. He told me that he'll come too and he has something to tell me. He said that it's very important.

What could it be?

Thinking about it excites me!

Maybe he's going to tell me that he likes m---

Aish! Bad brain!

I spanked my head for a few times as I tried hard to not assume the things that are going to happen later.

"Noona... have you really lost your mind?"

I turned my head and saw Junghwan behind me with a mixed expression on his face.

"A-ah, sorry, it's just that, hehe," I chuckled as I looked away. "Well, your noona has a crush now, I think."

The expression on his face earlier faded away and was replaced by another which I can't explain. "Ohhhh."

I tilted my head to him, "why?"

"N-nothing," he waved his hands and back-hugged me. "Saranghae noona, take care."

"Aww!" I exclaimed as my heart fluttered. I turned to him and squished his chubby cheeks. "Nado saranghae, and yes, I will take care of myself so you take care too okay?"

He nodded and then I noticed that his school top isn't buttoned properly, and the collar is not neat. I fixed his polo and patted his shoulder. "Jaehyuk has been taking you home late these days."

I sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Can you tell me why?"

He frowned and looked away. "I'm sorry I haven't told you earlier but... I have been practicing with my friends because I want to be an idol."

Am I hearing correctly?

My hands went to my mouth as my lips formed a wide smile. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you'd not approve of it," he chuckled.

I shook my head. "Your noona is definitely rooting for you, now go! Focus in class and goodluck on your practices!"

He nodded vigorously.

He ran to Jaehyuk who has been waiting outside our house for several minuted and they went on their way.

I looked at the mirror for the nth time checkiny if my hair is neatly in a ponytail and if my face looks clean and pretty enough.

I don't want to look like a mess in front of Soobin, even though if it's just a jog with him.

Minutes later I heard our doorbell rang and I scurried over to the door, whispering to myself to stay calm.

I opened it to be greeted by a tall and masked Soobin in a black shirt and black jogger pants. "Hey."

He looks like a model!


He ran his hands through his half wet hair and I saw his eyes smile. "You look pretty as always."


My heart!

"Thank you," I bowed while smiling shyly. "You look great as always."

He chuckled and bowed too while thanking me for the compliment.

"Let's go?" He asked and I nodded.

"Let's take brisk walks first." I said.

"Oh um..." he trailed off and I tilted my head in wonder.

"I can't keep on doing this because it's making me feel guilty..." he chuckled nervously as he looked away from me. "I'm deceiving you too much and I feel like a terrible person."

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