♡ three

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I dropped the keys on the small table and quickly went to the fridge to get some cold water.

"Junkyu-ah, don't drink cold water." I heard Jihoon's voice scold me.

I took big gulps and licked my lips afterwards. "Too late."

"Yah," he called, rather in a serious manner. "How about your audition tomorrow at YG?"


He placed his hands on his hips and I only chuckled. "I forgot about that."

He shook his head.

He took the pitcher and a different glass and poured one for himself. "I only auditioned for dancing and I got accepted already that's why I am free now."

He pointed at me using the glass and said, "you, on the other hand, might lose your beautiful voice at your audition tomorrow. Remember what Hyunsuk hyung said?"

As he drank his water I sighed and repeated what Hyunsuk hyung said. "Our goal is to get accepted and debut together. No one should be left behind."

Jihoon finished his water and placed the glass on the counter.

"Wait," I said and smiled. "Did you just call my voice beautiful?"

He made a sour face and turned his back on me. "I take it back."

"Hey, don't be like that," I laughed.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket so I took it out.

Jihoon being Jihoon, he came back and peeked at the caller's ID. "Answer, it might be important."

Of course, I'm going to answer it.

Junghwan and I are doijg something really dangerous and important and that is why I need to answer this call.

I lightly pushed Jihoon and walked away from him as I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hyung, this is really bad..." he said on the other line.

"Why?" I asked, worried. "You didn't got accepted?"

"What? No. I haven't even audtioned yet."

"Oh, sorry." I laughed.

"Hyung, there's something I need to tell you..." he said in a worried tone.

I feel like I already know what it is.

"We all get nervous you know, it's natural." I cheered him up. "It will be alright."

"Aish, hyung!" He exclaimed in irritation and my smile faded in confusion. "Its about noona!"



"W-why?" I asked in a state of slight panic. "Did our plan not work?"

"Hyung, she's going to kill you the moment she learns that you were the one who stole her phone!" He yelled.

I smiled bitterly.

Epic fail.

I lost the pair of my shoe and now the girl I've been planning to ask out wants to kill me.

"I had to give her back the phone after you gave it me because she didn't have any sleep that night, it pains me seeing her in that state." He said, sounding like he's scolding me.

I feel guilty now.

"Y-yah, you helped me though. You were on this too!" I said, trying to not blame it all to myself.

"Why couldn't you just ask her out like what a normal person would do?" He asked me in an annoyed voice.

I pouted and sat down the chair. "Are you mad at me?"

"A little. Can you please not show yourself to noona for now?" He requested.

I sighed. "But can I talk to her? I mean like through a social media account?"

"Yeah, but don't tell her who you really are, okay?"

I frowned.

How would she like me then?

I hummed a yes and he ended the call.

The door of the fridge closed and the sound surprised me. I thought Jihoon's not here anymore.

"Kim Junkyu messed up again~" he cooed.

"Shut up, Park Jihoon."

Aish, what do I do now?

Oh, maybe I'll make a fake account.

Oh, lol how forgetful of me, I wrote my phone number on her phone.

Should I text her first or should I wait for her to text me?


Maybe she already figured out that the number is mine, since I was the one who took her phone.

Oh... I could've just asked her number instead of snatching her phone.

Now she has a bad impression towards me.

Well, she doesn't know me anyway.

Ugh, whatever. Let's not think about her for a while. I'll think about the audition first.

Oh goodness, but the other pair of my shoe?

I guess I'll just borrow one of the guy's shoes that will fit with my outfit.


A/N: dont forget to vote and follow me to get updated on the next chapters and books 😉😘
Thank u for reading! 💖

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