♡ ten

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"Aigoo! Super heavy!" I groaned as I pulled the strap of the grocery bag over to my shoulder.

I exhaled heavily and walked with heavy footsteps.

I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket and I was about to take it out when I suddenly remembered the incident that happened before with my phone.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head.

"I won't let that happen again," I whispered to myself.

Maybe its just Junghwan calling.

I'll text him later.

I squinted my eyes when I saw a tall figure walking towards me. He has a white face mask and his clothing style is chic. He might be a celebrity.

His eyes met mine which made me a little nervous but I still continued walking.

He ran a hand through his hair and I swear he looks really hot doing that.

Who's this guy?

He slowed down in front of me which made me do the same.

"Hello," he greeted me and bowed his head.

His voice is a little familiar.

"O-oh, hello," I greet him back and bowed down too.

"Do you need help there?" He asked then pointed at the groceries I am carrying on my shoulder.

I want to be cautious with stranger from now on but this guy gives me a different vibe.

Or maybe its just that I'm single and having no boyfriend since birth makes me adore every tall, handsome looking, and well-figured men.

Plus, manners and good attitude. He asked if I needed help. He must have noticed that I am having a hard time carrying these.

"Do you need help there, miss?" He repeated his question while chuckling.

Did I daze out?

"O-oh, sure." I said and I handed him the grocery bag. "Thank you."

He chuckled. "No need, I just thought that you might need my help."

I nodded and clasped my hands together behind my back.

I feel a little shy right now.

"Oh, these are heavy," he commented. "A pretty lady like you shouldn't be carrying such heavy things."

"W-what?" I laughed.

Did he just call me pretty?

"I said, a pretty lady like you shouldn't be carrying such heavy stuff." He repeated and I saw his eyes smile.

I blinked a few times before looking away. "T-thanks..."

Oh gosh... flattering words from a stranger.

Why am I so affected?

Something smelling delicious and pleasant wafted through the air and I felt my tummy do a weird thing.

"Mh~" the stranger beside me hummed as he sniffed the air too.

"Hey, are you hungry?" He suddenly asked me.

I was about to say no when my stomach growled loud enough for him to hear.

My eyes widened and I looked away.

He laughed. "Don't be shy its okay, I'll get you food since you're hungry."

We both went to where the smell was and there was a small food stand by the corner. They're selling sweet corn!

I licked my lips as I saw the old vendor give some to his customer.

Honestly, I am really hungry.

I didn't eat breakfast because I was busy with a few documents for work earlier at home. And this is my normal schedule for groceries and I don't like ruining my plans.

The nice stranger ordered one and paid the old vendor. He gave me the sweet corn and I gratefully took it. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." He said with his eyes smiling.

His eyes and his voice seems familiar.

I bit down on the sweet corn and moaned from the sweet and salty taste combining in my mouth.

We started walking again and that's when I realized that he didn't ordered one for himself.

"H-hey, why didn't you order one for yourself?" I asked him, a little ashamed because he bought me something to eat yet he didn't gave one to me.

"No, its alright, I'm not hungry anyway." He said.

I frowned and finished the sweet corn. "Thank you for buying me this."

He laughed again. "I told you, its alright."

As I finished the corn I threw the core to the trash bin and we continued walking until I noticed that we were almost home.

"There's my house." I told him and pointed at where I live.

He nodded and as we got there he placed the grocery bag in front of our door.

This stranger is so nice to me.

"Hey, thank you for everything you did for me today," I thanked him with a big smile.

"Its nothing really," he chuckled. "Oh wait, what time is it?"

"Oh, um, its..." I trailed off and took my phone out to check the time.

"Its 10:26." I said.

His eyes widened. "10:26?!"

I was surprised too so I ended up stuttering. "Y-yes."

"Oh no, I need to go," He said and bowed to me.

"W-wait, why?" I asked.

"I... I have an audition, I really need to  go now. Bye!" He said and ran off.

"Hey, wait!" I called but he didn't look back to me anymore.

"I don't even know your name..." I said, feeling a little sad.

Who are you?

When can I see you again?

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: thanks for readingggg please vote for this chapter and follow me hehe ♡

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