♡ eight

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I took the blankets off me and quickly went out of bed. I then took the shoe of the thief that I hid under my bed.

"Let's just try..." I whispered to myself.

I walked to the door and opened it slowly, peeking constantly from left to right to see if anyone is still awake.

What I'm doing is really childish but I want to try if my hunch is wrong. If it is not, then Junghwan will have to explain something to me.

I tiptoed my way into the living room while firmly gripping the thief's shoe in my hand.

There in front of me lay twelve sleeping mats with twelve boys sleeping in them. Some of them are in a normal sleeping position, some of them are sleeping sideways, and some of them are sleeping in a weird position.

"Boys..." I whispered while shaking my head.

I knelt down and tried placing the shoe vertically beside Hyunsuk's foot.

Oh, a little big for him.

He suddenly shifted in his bed and almost kicked my face. Good thing I was able to dodge it.

Oh wait, how stupid of me. I could use the measuring tapes.

I stood up with the shoe and tiptoed quickly towards the drawers. I opened them carefully one by one and tried fumbling for the measuring tape.

Until I realized that we don't have one.

I groaned in annoyance.

Someone snored loudly and it made me gasp in surprise. I turned my head and saw that they're still sleeping soundly.


I closed the drawers and went back to placing the thief's shoe beside each guys' foot.

I'll be darned if one of them wakes up and sees me doing this. They'll think I'm a weirdo.

I pulled the shoe away from Haruto's foot and pouted.

It still doesn't fit right.

I looked to the sleeping bag beside him and I tilted my head in confusion.

It was empty.

I placed a hand over my mouth as I grew worried.

Someone's awake.

But who?

Oh, it should be Junkyu.

(I knu this isn't right bc out of all of them Junkyu sleeps the soundest its hard to wake him up XD but just pretend for the sake of the fanfic lol)

Why didn't I hear him get up?

What if he's rummaging things in my house or what if he's stealing something?!

I was about to stand up when I suddenly heard a voice call my name from behind me.



After using the bathroom I went back to the living room while scratching my head.

I can't even see clearly right now.

I'm so sleepy...

Wait, someone's awake?

Is that... So Junha?

What is she doing with Haruto's foot?

"Junha-ssi?" I called out her name with my scrunched face.

"Junkyu-ah..." she whispered.

I can't quite see her face clearly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to ask permission for you... I had to use the bathroom because its almost coming out, I'm sorry." I apologized while bowing my head three times.

She was silent so I didn't wait for her to say anything else.

Its so embarrassing having her see my face like this.

The moment I got on my mat I went into a fetus position and wrapped myself in my blanket from head to toe.

I want to hide from her from embarrassment.

I didn't even ask permission to use the bathroom and she also saw my just-woke-up face.

So embarrassing...

I then heard faint rustling of clothes and her footsteps grew fainter and fainter by the second.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep quickly like I usually do.


A/N: Please dont forget to vote and comment, thank u for reading! ^^

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