♡ seven

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Our doorbell rang and it caught my attention. I turned to Junghwan and I tapped his shoulder. "Get the cookies out I think they're ready."

I dashed to the door and opened it to be welcomed by a bunch of guys who are taller than me.

"Hi!" I smiled and bowed down and they did the same. They bought the greetin back in chorus and so I let them in.

"Junghwanie," a boy cooed while going over to my brother.

"Ah, hyung, hey. We baked some cookies, take some," Junghwan offered generously.

I smiled as I watched them from the doorway.

A tall guy was walking towards the bunch when he suddenly tripped on nothing. My eyebrows clashed. Is this guy blind?

I walked up to him and extended my hand in front of him. He looked up at me and my lips parted in awe.

He looks... cute.

"H-hurry, take my hand," I said, faking an annoyed expression.

"T-thank you," he muttered and smiled, then he took my hand.

The moment he stood up he dusted his clothes and I crossed my arms as I stared at him.

Why do I feel like I've seen his face before?

"Um... Do I have something on my face?" He asked softly while pointing at his face.

I tilted my head and gave him a small smile. "You look like a koala."

He looked at me with a confused expression and he blinked his eyes a couple of times. That made me chuckle.

"That was a compliment," I said before patting his shoulder.

"O-oh," was all he said so I turned away and walked up to the other guys.

I checked on what they're doing and I'm surprised to see them looking so 'at home' in this moment. I rested my hands on my waists and smirked as I watch them talking and laughing with each other while setting up their sleeping mats here in the living room.

A guy with small eyes averted his gaze to me and smiled as he said, "thank you for inviting us, Junha."

I raised my brows, "how did you know my name?"

"Junghwan mentions you a lot, you know," he said plainly and chuckled.

"Yah! Hyung!" Junghwan whined as he started setting up sleeping mats there too.

I walked up to him and asked, "you're gonna sleep here?"

He nodded and smiled sweetly at me.

Atleast he's happy with his friends.

Once they were all lying down, I sat on the floor and tried to join their conversation. A little while later when no one was talking anymore I broke the silence.

"How did you guys met my brother Junghwan?" I asked them.

Some of them started humming while thinking. And just then someone leaned towards me and spoke. He has bunny teeth and he looks familiar.

"We met at the arcade, me and Haruto were playing there then we saw him in the same school uniform as ours," he said as he pointed to a boy with a handsome face. "Junghwan looked alone, and we were curious about him so we went up to him and asked him to play with us."

"Yeah," the handsome boy agreed with him. "Then we asked him if we could go at the arcade every after school hours and since then it had been a routine to play together after school until the three of us became close."

I nodded my head.

"So that's why you're Jaehyuk always takes you home late before," I pouted and glared at Junghwan in a joking manner.

They laughed along too.

"Sorry," Jaehyuk apologized and laughed along.

"But hey, you forgot about me," a cute boy with red-dyed hair said. "The three of us met just after you guys met Junghwan, right?"

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot," the handsome guy with the deep voice said.

"Wait, can you introduce yourelves to me?" I asked and clasped my hands together.

"Let me do the honor, noona," Junghwan said cheerfully while raising his hand.

I laughed and nodded my head.

He started pointing at their hands as he said their names one by one. "This is Hyunsuk hyung, this is Jihoon hyung, the CEO of clowning, this is Yoshi hyung, Junkyu hyung, Mashiho hyung, You know Jaehyuk already haha, and here's Asahi hyung, quiet but weird, god Yedam hyung, Doyoung the flirty and confident, here's Haruto, and lastly, Jeongwoo the confident part two."

He said their names carefully so I was able to remember them easily even though they are plenty.

In a second there, I suddenly felt small and weak since I am surrounded by a bunch of guys.

I shook that thought off my head and I nodded at Junghwan. "Thank you for introducing your friends to me."

They joined me in their conversation to their next topic and it made me feel a lot better. I got to know them better and I had a great time talking to them. Well, two particular guys weren't talking a lot.

"Junkyu-ah, you're quiet today, are you sick?" Jihoon faked a worried tone as he placed the back of his hand on Junkyu's forehead.

"Ooh, Junkyu hyung's quiet today~" Haruto teased.

"Junkyu~" Hyunsuk cooed then he giggled.

What's up with them? And what's up with him? Isn't he always quiet with them?

After several minutes I stood up and left their conversation.

I started preparing dinner for the next hour and while they waited for it, they watched TV, had a pillow fight, played a zombie game, and finished the cookies that I baked for them.

Later on, I'm going to try something.

Because I have a hunch that Junghwan and his friends knows something about my phone. And maybe the thief was one of them.

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: sorry for not updating for a few days. I know this story isn't that good and I'm also having mind block for this book. So while I did have a mind block on this, I worked on a Asahi Fan Fiction and fortunately, I managed to finish it in two days.
AND I have uploaded a Fan Fiction for Haruto already. I plan to update in that book while updating here too. So expect slower updates from this book. I'm really sorry 😅
Well, thank you for reading! Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment 💖💕

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