♡ two

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"And what happened, eonnie?" I asked Sojin eonnie, desperate to know.

"Well..." she sighed. "He died."

"What?!" I asked as tears started forming in my eyes.

My hands went to my mouth as a gesture of shock.

I couldn't believe it.

"Stop joking around!" I exclaimed.

She waved her hand and shook her head. "I'm not, its true that he died."

"But... the kid..." I trailed off, tears starting to fall at the sad moment.

Sojin eonnie slapped my arm. "Don't cry! It was just a movie!"

"Still..." I uttered. "I'm glad I didn't watch it. Maybe if I did then my eyes are puffy and red now."

Why am I so sensitive to stuff like that?

I heard her sigh.

I heard the school bell rang and it made me turn to the gates which are being opened by the guard.

"Thanks for telling the story, eonnie," I thanked Sojin and she nodded.

"Next time I won't anymore." She said bitterly. "I can't bear the humiliation of you crying in public."

I laughed and bid her goodbye.

I stood beside the school gate and waited for Junghwan to come out.

I spotted a flirty couple with linked arms and smiling faces walking towards the gate.

If I am not mistaken, these kids are in the same age with Junghwan.

As soon as the flirting couple passed me by I yelled, "study first! Flirt when you get your diploma!"

A few other kids turned to me including the couple. I only smirked at them and they eyed me.

Kids these days.

If I ever see Junghwan with a girl I will make them break up.

He doesn't even clean his own dirty underwear!

I felt someone hold my shoulders and push me away from the gates. I was about to protest because I thought it was the guard. Turns out its already Junghwan.

I exclaimed and cupped his face while making baby noises. "How's school my dear baby brother? Did you do well?"

He took my hands away and looked at me in an annoyed manner. "Why did you come here?"

"I'm taking you home." I answered.

"Noona!" He whined. "I told you, I can handle myself."

"Junghwaniee~" me and Junghwan turned to the owner of the voice who cooed his name.

There were three boys standing just a few meters away from us who are chuckling and they look like they are making fun of Junghwan.

"Don't mind them, they're just my friends noona, they're just teasing me." He said and rolled his eyes slightly.

He turned to them and yelled, "Atleast I have a pretty noona who cares about me a lot. What about you, huh, Jeongwoo, Haruto, Doyoung-ah?"

Pretty, huh? Thanks for the compliment Junghwanie, I actually thought you're embarrassed of me. It's relieving to know that you're not.

The three groaned and a smirk played on Junghwan's lips.

Wow, maybe I shouldn't be too protective of him. He looks like he can handle simple things like these.

"A-atleast we have Junkyu hyung," the guy with bunny teeth said. "He's coming here and he's taking us out."

"Junkyu hyung's coming here?" Junghwan asked them, as if really shock.

Who's this Junkyu anyway?

Aigoo, Junghwan has so many friends that I can't remember all of them.

"Yeah, why?" The really tall one asked him.

Junghwan was silent for a few seconds before he took my hand and started pulling me away from them.

"Nothing, bye!" He bid them goodbye and his three friends bid him goodbye too.

"Wow, you seem excited to go home." I commented and he remained silent.

Hmm, I guess he's going to play a new game later.

"Noona, tomorrow I'll ask Jaehyuk hyung to company me on the way to school and back home," he said to me.

He seems a little serious right now and worried. What's with that expression?

Oh, good thing I remembered something.

"Yah," I called his attention. "How did you get my phone?"

I saw his eyes wander around the street as he bit his bottom lip. "I told you... I saw it by the bathroom window."

I stomped my feet. "Why won't you tell me?"

I feel like I'm acting like I'm the younger one here...

"Noona I think you need some rest," he sighed. "Its probably because you didn't sleep well last night."

"Are you telling me that something is wrong with me? And that I'm not thinking well? That my phone didn't got stolen and that I wasn't talking to you on the phone that time?" I blurted out questions, a little mad at what he's trying to tell me.

He sighed and let go of my hand. He fastened his pace and shoved his hands to his pockets.

I sighed in defeat.

Sometimes, he doesn't really tell me what's on his mind.

I'm starting to think that Junghwan is an accomplice to the thief who stole my phone...

Argh, bad brain! Don't think bad of your brother!

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