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A/N - hey guys. So this chapter took longer than I expected, I had major writers block until yesterday when it all came back to me. I hope that you guys like it. Feedback is always appreciated ❤️


Today was the day. I  arrived at the airport ready for my flight to London. Ready to start my new adventure. Even though I hadn't got to say goodbye to Lee, Rachel or Noah, I felt like I was completely ready to say goodbye to sunny California. I knew deep down that it would always hold a place in my heart, but I was ready to embark on my new life on the other side of the world.
Although I was glad to be leaving, I knew leaving Brad and Dad behind was going to be hard. Even harder than when Noah left this exact airport to go to Boston. A muffled cry sounded from beside me, Brad was crying into dad's arms.
"Hey come here," I said, pulling Brad into my arms.
"I need you to promise me you'll look after Dad, okay?"
He nodded, his eyes still red raw from crying.
"I'm only going to be a phone call away, and I'll be back before you know it."
Dad tried to hold back his tears as he wrapped me into his arms, squeezing me a little too tightly. He'd always tried to be strong, more for me than anything but I could see he was about to break. I was just glad that Dad and Brad still had the Flynn's to look out for them.
"I love you so much, Elle. Your mother would be so proud of you," he said, as he kissed my forehead.
"I love you too Dad, I'm really going to miss you."
"Hey, I'll always be with you," he replied, hugging me one last time.
"Don't look back."
As I picked up my bag off the floor, I felt a sudden sense of de ja vu overwhelm me. A tear or two escaped my eye as I tried to blink them away. Nothing could have prepared me for this. Part of me wanted to turn around and run back through the departure doors and back to my family home, but the other part wanted to run through the gates and to my new home. I walked up the stairs, as I reached the top I couldn't help but look back. My family looked so vulnerable stood at the bottom of the stairs, side by side, waving at me. I took one last deep breath before turning around and walking away.
I found myself looking through a magazine whilst I was sat in the departure lounge, trying to do anything to take my mind off the fact that in less than two hours I'd be leaving. My phone buzzed in my pocket, in probably the first time in what felt like months. I sighed before taking it out. It would probably just be someone from my school wishing me luck or saying goodbye, it was never going to be who I wanted it to be.

'Hope you have a safe journey to London. Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner, but I'm going to make it up to you. Noah x'
My heart melted at that text, it may not seem like much but at least I knew Noah still cared and that he had regrets, the same as me. But part of me was confused about Marco still. We hadn't seen each other since he came to my house, we had decided to leave whatever we had as we were both going off to college and he knew it was wrong because of Noah. I tried to shake off the feeling, and I typed out a message back to him.
'Thanks, I'm sorry too. Wish I could have seen you before I left. I'll call you when I arrive.'
He typed back instantly, typical Noah always had his phone in his hand no matter what.
'There's no need to call me, turn around.'
At that moment, I could've sworn the room closed in on me as I stood up and shifted my body around. My heart did somersaults inside my chest at the sight of Noah Flynn standing in front of me.


I'd been waiting to start college for as long as I could remember. My eyes widened at the campus in front of me, and at my new home. I knew I had to forget about a certain brunette, and was the best place to do that. This place was the start of my future, and more importantly, the place that would potentially change my life for the better. That was the one thing I was counting on.
Unlocking the door to my dorm, I was greeted by a guy sat on a bed at the other side of the room. He looked like the type of guy I'd usually avoid in usual circumstances but considering he was my roommate I thought it was best I give him a chance.
"Hi, I'm Marco," I said, holding out my hand for him to shake.
"Cal, nice to meet you," he replied, shaking my hand firmly.
"Need a hand with that?" He looked towards the few boxes at my feet.
I nodded. My parents had dropped me at the door, but I told them to go straight home to prolong the painful goodbye. I knew mom would struggle without me. They had made me promise I came back to Santa Monica at least once a week, I wasn't sure I wanted to, but for my family I knew it was my duty.
"So, Marco. Where have you come from?"
"Actually around the corner, Santa Monica. How about you?"
"Boston. But if you're wondering about the accent, my Mom is British, I grew up there and moved to Boston when I was twelve."
We'd spent time getting to know each other whilst he helped me unpack. Our dorm was a lot bigger than I expected it to be, which I was glad about. I'd always seen tv shows about colleges and the rooms were so much smaller, I thought that was going to be my reality.
Cal sat at the bottom of the bed to me, his PlayStation controller in his hand, ready to kick my ass, or so he wished.
Later that night we found ourselves at a party with a few people in our accommodation.
"Never have I ever kissed someone who was in a relationship..." I drank, a few of the other guys did too but apparently I didn't 'seem the type'.
"Never have I ever slept with someone and not remember their name in the morning...." of course I didn't drink for that one, I wasn't a jerk.
"Winthrop, you little player", one of the guys cheered, as Cal took a very large swig of his drink.
I furrowed my brows at him, and it all of a sudden hit me who my damn roommate was.
"Hold on, is sister called Chloe?"
"Bro, how do you know that?" He slurred.
It really was a small world. Everything brought me back to Elle. I didn't know how much he knew about Noah and Elle, if anything at all, but I didn't want to even go there with him, in case he was on Noah's side and decided to hate me for the rest of my life.
"My friend's brother is Noah Flynn."
Cal grimaced at the sound of his name, "Noah Flynn is a dick. I hope his brother doesn't turn out like him."
Part of me wanted to know more, to find out what Cal knew that evidently Elle didn't. But, I didn't want to push my luck. There was something satisfying in knowing that my intuitions about Noah were right all along.

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