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A/N- so this chapter is v short, I didn't really know where to go with it so it's kind of a filler!


Arriving home from sightseeing that night, I take out my phone from my coat pocket and leave it on the table in the common room. My first priority was making a hot chocolate to warm me up, I really wasn't used to the British weather, and I wouldn't be any time soon either.
My flatmates and I had become so accustomed to being in each other's space that it felt weird whenever they weren't around. That's why we made the most of doing literally everything together, including eating and drinking.
"Help us choose a film Elle." Ben shouted, jumping face first onto the large couch. I chuckled to myself as he almost fell off but shrugged it off and played it cool.
"Move over, loser," Rebecca jabbed at his leg before sitting down. Although I wasn't as close to those two as much as with Dean, Amy and Molly, they were still my friends, and probably two of the funniest people I'd ever met. Sorry, Lee.
"Sure, do we want popcorn?" I shouted back, rummaging the cupboards for a bag or two.
"Is that even a real question? A movie night with your besties isn't complete without popcorn," Molly replied, stumbling in with a duvet and pillows in her arms.

We'd only had a movie night all together once before, the night I arrived back from California. The night after Noah and I broke up. I was miserable, and everybody noticed. So, like the good friends they were, they ordered pizzas, bought some beer and we watched Back To The Future. If it wasn't for them, I honestly think I wouldn't have been able to handle the break up in the way that I did. Maybe being on the other side of the world from Noah helped, but either way, it was still down to them that I was okay.

Grabbing a bowl, I poured the popcorn I found in Molly's cupboard and walked over to the lounge area. I sat down on the floor beneath the couch, pillows and blankets surrounding me. Dean joined moments later, followed by Amy. We spent around fifteen minutes scrolling through Netflix looking for a movie to watch, until we settled on a Halloween classic.

A few hours passed by, and I was tipsy off two beers. Luckily, I had the day off studies the next day, and after that it was the weekend, which meant time to FaceTime Lee and talk to Dad and Brad. I was missing them like crazy, but I tried not to think about it too much, as I knew it would drive me crazy.

"Elle, your phone is going crazy", Dean said from the kitchen area. I rolled my eyes, and I'm sure they could tell I wasn't sober enough to talk to anyone other than them at that point. I walked over to the table where my phone was, before I picked it up I noticed the screen flashing constantly.

Thanksgiving Fundraiser @ Santa Monica Pier.- Saturday 28th November. A chance for a wonderful reunion with the people who made our high school years the best. - Vivian.

@/Gwen_OMG - Elle & Lee you'd best hold a kissing booth again. I need my fix.
@/Justyna212 - If the kissing booth doesn't happen, I'm going to riot!!

I couldn't believe I was seeing people begging for the kissing booth. Even though I was thousands of miles away, and the UK doesn't celebrate thanksgiving so I had no time off to even get home, I was contemplating it so much.

@/BabyFlynn - With Elle being in London, I don't think that will be a possibility. Sorry guys. The kissing booth won't be happening again this year.

Switching to my university email account, I knew what I was about to do was either going to go down well, or get me in a lot of trouble, but I didn't care. The kissing booth was my life, and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure it went ahead, even if it meant changing the way it happened.


Ugh. Seeing all the comments about the kissing booth just made me miss Elle and Rachel even more. I wanted nothing more for Elle to be back in California for thanksgiving but I knew that wouldn't be possible. It's as if the universe is trying to keep me and my bestie away from each other, at all costs.

I knew that for the thanksgiving fundraiser, Rachel would be there and nothing made me happier. She'd already planned to come home for thanksgiving to see me, and this means I could see her and have the talk with her just like Noah told me to. Everything would fall into place eventually, I was sure of that.

The Kissing Booth 3: Impending DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now