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A/N- So this chapter is purely Marco-centric, it is the follow up from the circumstances in the previous chapter. Again, it is very dark so viewer discretion is advised. 

~ Marco ~ 

Watching the doctors and nurses take my baby brother away from us and into surgery was the most painful thing I'd ever seen in my life up until that moment. It was like someone was twisting a knife in my heart. Everything was wrong. Mom's sobs drowned the room, she was clinging onto dad's arms for dear life. I just wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't think everything was going to be okay. Elle and Katy were stood to the side of the doorway as Seb was taken away, both of them had tears in their eyes. Both had younger brother's so I guess they could resonate with how I was feeling. 

I figured that sitting in an empty room wasn't going to help, so I left. Mom and dad didn't even look up from the floor, so I knew they wouldn't even know I'd gone. I picked myself up from the chair which was positioned at the end of Seb's bed and headed to where Elle and Katy were standing. As much as I wanted to stay, I also wanted to get out of the hospital, to just escape. As I opened the door, I automatically drifted to Elle before Katy. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. Actually, do. Elle was the last thing I thought about before I went to sleep, and the last thing I thought about when I woke, before Seb was ill that was. As much as I wanted it to be Katy, as much as I longed for it to be Katy, it wasn't and it may never be as long as Elle was here. I hated myself for saying it, because if I was back at college, it would be Katy. 
My legs almost gave in and I practically fell into Elle's arms. She wrapped me into her body, and I could feel myself calm a little. Until, I noticed Katy looking over the both of us. I knew she was trying not to judge with everything I was going through. I pleaded with myself to not fuck things up, but I felt like I already did that. 

"I'm so sorry, Marco. He will be okay." Elle whispered into my ear, as I caressed the back of her head, running my hands through her hair. 
"What if he's not?" I asked, my voice shaky. 
"He will be." 
I'd failed to notice that Katy had retreated into the waiting area, and as soon as I did, I pulled away from Elle. 
My footsteps were unsteady, like I was walking on a tight rope, but I carried on walking to the girl I'd promised not to let down. Yeah, good one Marco.  One of her arms was tucked under the other, as she sat down. I'd wanted nothing more than to be back at college with her, exploring the possibilities of what being together could have been like. She tilted her head toward me, as I towered over her, pushing myself closer and closer. 
She had given me a reason to stay strong during this horrific nightmare, yet I didn't nor couldn't give her what she wanted. That thought made me sad. 
There was a slight pause before Katy spoke, "Who is she?" 
"A friend." 
"You don't look at friends that way, Marco." I could sense the hurt in her voice, as she ran a soft thumb over the back of my hand. 
"Look, I-" 
She stood up, her face inches away from mine. "You don't have to say anything, Marco. I get it. It's okay." 
Elle was distanced away from us, sat next to her father, who had surprisingly stayed in the waiting room this whole time. I was grateful for him, after all, without him, I wouldn't have made it to the hospital when I needed to be. 
My thoughts were few and far between, as Katy took my hands in hers. God damnit, everything I'd wished for was right in front of me. Someone who cared for me, who wanted me, who wanted only me. 
"It's not okay. I'm sorry, Katy. I can't lie; we have a past, she cheated on her boyfriend with me, I cared for her, and seeing her again, I just-" 
"Do you love her?" She asked bluntly. 
"I think I did. But now, I'm not so sure." I took her hand in mine and squeezed it, as if to reassure her that I wanted her, and nobody else. She smiled, before kissing my cheek. 

*five hours later*

I opened my eyes, my head was rested on Katy's lap, Elle sat opposite me in the relatives room. She must've been staring at her phone for hours, her eyes looked tired. 
"Hello, sleepy head" Katy said, her voice above a whisper. 
I shot up, as I remembered where I was, and why I was here. 
"Seb?" I asked nobody in particular. 
"Still in surgery." Elle said, before getting up and pacing the room. 
As much as I was grateful for her being there, I couldn't help but think she would rather be anywhere else. Of course she would. Her mom died here, yet she'd spent the past however long waiting with me, so I had someone. I doubt she knew that Katy was here when she planned on leaving London for me. 

The door squeaked open, revealing someone in scrubs, whom I assumed was a surgeon. "Mr. Pena?" He asked. I nodded, standing up but not wanting to release myself from Katy's warmth. 
"I need you to come with me." 
"Can they come too?" I asked, hoping and praying that he'd say yes. 
He didn't, instead, he lead me to Sebastian's room, where he was lay, looking as peaceful as ever in the hospital bed. 
Mom and Dad were sat up at his side, his Doctor stood at the end of the bed. I knew what this meant, yet I couldn't quite prepare myself for the words that were about to leave his mouth. 
Nothing could have prepared me for that. Not in a million years. 

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