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A/N- so this chapter is purely Elle-centric. I feel like I haven't focused on just her and her feelings in so long! Noah, Lee and Marco's POV will be back next chapter.... hope you enjoy. Feedback is always appreciated.



As much as I wanted to stay to be there for Marco, I knew that it could be days, weeks or even months before his brother's condition changed. I wasn't sure that college would still have a place for me if I stayed back in California any longer than I originally planned. To be totally honest, college was the last thing on my mind right now. Being here with Lee made me realise that maybe I made a mistake with choosing London instead of Berkeley. Don't get me wrong, I loved England, but it was so far away from everyone I cared about I didn't know if I could cope being there on my own. But, I knew that I had to try, otherwise my life would be over and I'd end up regretting quitting. Elle Evans doesn't quit.

On the drive back from the hospital, Lee and I reminisced about our high school memories, about the Halloween party, about our birthday, graduation and most importantly, the kissing booth. Oh the good old kissing booth. The place where beautiful moments were made. Me and Noah, Lee and Rachel, Ollie and Myles...
"Lee, do you think I was wrong for leaving Noah the way I did?" I asked, trying my hardest not to show I cared as much as I did. As much as I tried to hide it, Noah was always in the back of my mind. The sad thing is, I left him in London alone because of what Marco told me, but I never even asked him what happened. I guess between his brother's condition and my own self-esteem, I didn't feel like it was an appropriate time to ask.
I pictured Noah alone in my dorm, and then alone in the streets of London and it made me sad. I realised I was in the wrong, and I should've just been less stubborn and spoke to him like a goddamn normal person would do.
"I think you should call him, Elle." Lee mumbled, the car radio pretty much drowning out his voice.
I shrugged, "I don't know what I'd even say to him. It's like I don't know him anymore."
Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I plugged the adaptor into the car.
The sound of music blasted through the speakers in the car, my legs moved along to the beat. It felt like forever since I had listened to music, I guess it had been for me. Every morning I'd go for a jog with my earphones in, but when I moved to London, that stopped. I didn't know my way around the streets well enough and I wasn't prepared to get lost and embarrass myself.
I've been trying to call, I've been on my own for long enough, maybe you could show me how to love.
I automatically turned the volume up as loud as it would go, singing along at the top of my lungs. Lee did a half-dance behind the wheel, and it was in that moment that I realised that no matter what happened between me and Lee, that we'd always have each other, and we would always be best friends.

Once my phone finally turned itself back on, there were fourteen missed calls, three messages and one voicemail waiting for me. All of them were off Noah. Typical that as soon as my phone died, Noah tried to contact me.

Please call me Elle, we need to talk. I'm sorry I messed up, but you have to believe that it was a mistake. I love you, I'll always love you.

Seriously, call me. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I know you deserve better than me, I know Marco is better than me. But please, just don't give up on me yet.

I guess you made up your mind. Of course you did. I'll always be a worthless piece of shit. I should have treated you better, I guess now I know you'll be happy.

My heart literally sunk at these messages, I couldn't believe Noah was putting himself down so much. He sounded in a bad way. I had done this to him. I made him think he was worthless, that he was the only one who messed up. But I was just as bad him.

I checked the voicemail, I mean who leaves voicemails these days anyway? I was taken aback when Chloe's British accent rung around in my ear..

Hey, it's Chloe. I don't know if you're going to get this, but you need to call Noah. He's in a lot of trouble, we're at a hospital in Boston. Don't worry, but just call him. Please.

"Pull over." I yelled, making Lee jump, he had a confused look on his face, "I said pull over, Lee."
"What's up?" He asked, pulling into the nearest side-street.
"Why didn't you tell me Noah was in trouble? He's in hospital."
Lee bowed his head, "I didn't know it was that serious. You know how my mom exaggerates."
I flung open the door to Lee's vintage mustang, and slammed it behind me. I knew he'd hate me for that, but I didn't care less.

The dial tone felt almost deafening, I waited and waited for Noah to answer. Come on, pick up. I jumped out of my skin when I heard Noah's voice, raspy and broken answer the phone.
"Noah. Are you okay? What happened?"  My words jumbled together, like a fucking puzzle.
I heard Noah laugh from the other side of the phone line, "slow down, Shelly. I'm fine."
"But Chloe said-"
"Chloe was over-reacting, I've just got a few bruises and a broken rib. I'll be okay."
I had so many damn questions... a broken rib? Bruises? How the hell did that happen? Part of me didn't want to know the answer, but the other half wanted to kill the person who did this to him.
"Some jerks from the wrong side of town crashed Chloe's party, they were tormenting me about you and Marco and I lost it. Turns out three on one isn't a good match." Noah sounded embarrassed, so he should be. He should've learnt years ago that fighting gets nobody anywhere, other than in a whole lot of trouble. I was right about him, would he ever change?
"Chloe said you're in a lot of trouble, what did she mean? No more lies, Noah."
He sighed, "they planted drugs on me and phoned the police. If it wasn't for Mom, I would've been looking at possession and aggravated assault."
I felt my blood boil, how could he let himself get into these situations? Seriously, Noah. He really couldn't help but get into shit.
"Are you serious? All of this because you thought I was cheating on you with Marco?" I found myself almost yelling down the phone at him, I didn't want to be angry, but I couldn't help it. Yes, I was also in the wrong, but I didn't get arrested or get myself beaten up. He brought that on himself, like always.
"Well are you?" He asked, if I could see him now, he'd have that look on his face where he was trying to make me feel sorry for him.
"No, Noah. I'm not."
"But you went to Santa Monica to see him."
"So did Lee. His brother is actually in hospital, in a coma. You'd really think I'd make that up?" I rolled my eyes to nobody in particular. Although, I knew Lee was listening in to our conversation from behind the wheel. I'd of thought he'd care more because he was his brother, but clearly he'd learnt to deal with Noah's bullshit.
"No." He said, "look, Elle. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not telling you about what happened, but it was a mistake, a stupid mistake that will never happen again."
"Thanks for being honest, Noah. I shouldn't have left the way I did. I need to tell you something too." I took a deep breath before I continued, as I knew that this would be hard for Noah to take in, and would either make us or break us, but I had to be honest, it's the least I could do. "Before I left for London, when you and I weren't talking.. Marco and I, we kissed...."
There was a long pause, it felt like Noah had gone off the line, but I knew he was still there from the background noises of what must've been the hospital.
"I need to know, Elle. And please be honest with me. Do you love him?"
I tried hard to swallow the lump that had formed in the back of my throat.
"Can you just listen to me when I say this-" I took another deep breath, trying to find the right words to say. "I don't know how I feel. I love you Noah, I do. But we can't keep fighting and lying to each other. I know I've made mistakes, we both have. I hurt both you and Marco, so I don't think I should be with anybody right now. Maybe I just need some time to work on myself, then maybe I can answer that question."

The Kissing Booth 3: Impending DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now