Note pt.6 - Dorbyn

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back at it again ;)

warnings: a tiny bit of smut
third person,

Daniel loves Corbyn so much, and he wanted to get something to show how much he cares about the younger.

"hey guys I'm gonna go out, I'll be back soon." Daniel said grabbing his phone.

"where you going?" Jonah asked as he stared at his phone.

"I just have some things I need to pick up, I'll be right back."

"can I come with you?" Corbyn asked cutely. Daniel wanted to say yes so badly but he couldn't.

"I'll be right back, I have to get something which is supposed to be a surprise for you guys and if you come it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

Daniel gave Corbyn a little kiss then left.

the younger was confused but didn't think to much of it. he knew Daniel wouldn't cheat.

he had complete trust in the older boy.

Daniel headed to the jewelry shop he called yesterday. he wanted to get something unique for the younger.

something which is special to them.

not just any other necklace or ring. no he wanted something that represented them.

so yesterday he asked them to make two necklaces, one with the letter 'D' and another with the letter 'C.'

he also wanted it to have a message on the back of it.

so he asked them to carve something in the back, 'out of all the stars in the sky, I would always pick you.'

it was something that held meaning to both boys, so it was perfect.

as he walked to the jewelry store he thought about his boyfriend and everything he just loves about him.

he was so perfect. in every single way possible.

the way his eyes have that little shimmer in them when he's happy.

his beautiful smile.

the way he turns red when he's embarrassed.

Daniel felt himself smile, he just loves the younger so, so much.

he couldn't stop thinking about Corbyn, even if he wanted to. Corbyn took up his whole mind.
he didn't even care though.

he stopped himself in front of the shop, 'Damniani jewelry.'

it looked pretty fancy so he just walked in, it was a very beautiful shop. it had gold trimming around the white walls, and a dark marble floor.

"hi, I called yesterday. you guys said the necklace would be done by now so I'm here."

"what's your name sir?" the man at the counter said.

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