Spell - Dorbyn

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warnings: smut
wdw isn't a thing because, they are all students at hogwarts (Harry Potter)
their wizards!
Daniels older
third person,

Corbyn and Daniel.

they were a rather interesting pair. you see, Daniel was always so flirty with the younger brunette boy.

he would call him names like 'cutie' when he saw him in the halls or in class.

the thing is, Daniel was a Slytherin while Corbyn was a Gryffindor student. Corbyn would always just ignore Daniel because he hated the older.

at least, he wanted to hate him.

but it was hard when he would flirt with him, make his stomach swarm with butterflies and make his heart beat out of his chest.

the thought of him clouded the boys mind.

"Corbyn!" Jack, Corbyns best friend yelled at him, bringing his attention back to reality. "come on we gotta practice this spell."

"r-right sorry." the brunette smiled and grabbed his wand. the class was trying to do a spell, Expecto patronum.

it's a beautiful spell that summons a patronus.

a patronus is like a protector. it's a creature that will appear and act as a guardian.

some things you can get are, deers, dolphins, rabbits, a wolf and many more.

"what has gotten into you recently?" Jack looked at his best friend while pointing his wand up. "is it about Seavey?"

Corbyn turned his head quickly, "no! I hate that git."


"remember, focus. you have to have a clear mind if you want this to work." the professor spoke.

"can we just try this spell please?"

Jack nodded and let out a giggle. he looked at his wand and started to focus on the spell. "Expecto patronum!"

Corbyn watched a rabbit appear. he looked at it, amazed. "wow, it's beautiful."

Jack was always good in casting spells.

"good job Avery. keep up the good work." the professor smiled at the short boy and payed attention to the other students.

Corbyn turned his head and looked at none other then Daniel Seavey. he was with some of his friends, Jonah Marais and Zach Herron.

Daniels eyes caught Corbyns. he smirked and winked at the younger boy.

the brunette blushed and looked away.

Daniel looked away and focused on the spell. he pointed his wand up and took a moment before casting it, "Expecto patronum!"

Corbyn turned back around and saw a beautiful Dragon.

a dragon is one of the rarest ones..

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