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Today mommy, daddy, Alessandro (Alex) and Eleonora (Ely) are going to the lake and have some family time with the rest of the pack. We always come early to get the best spot near the lake so everybody could keep an eye on me while I am swimming in the lake with my friends, Cedro, Angelica and Arianna have been my best friends since we were in diapers. We do everything together even get in trouble, sometimes my brother and his mate Ely take the blame for us if its something small. Today my brother and Ely said that they would be in the water with me since I made them promise that they would on my birthday, I am so excited to get to the lake and be able to jump in to the lake and swim around with my friends.

As we got to the lake I right away go to our usual spot near the water, I turn around and see my family walking towards me when my dads eyes start to turn white which means that he is mind linking with someone in the pack. When his eyes finally turn back to his normal color, I see my brother run towards me and picks me up before grabbing Ely's hand and starts to run towards our hiding spot which means that there are rouges on our lands and its Alex's responsibility to take care of me and Ely while our parents go and help fight the rouges. I make sure that I am holding on to him as best as I can since he is running at his full speed, I look over to Ely and see her smile at me so I couldn't start to freak out and go in to a panic attack.

When we got to our hiding spot Alex puts me down and he lifts up the trap door before Ely gets in and takes me, Alex gets in and closes the trap door and locks it as we head further in to the tunnel that leads to a makeshift living room under ground so we can be convertible while we wait for mom and dad to come and get us. When Ely sits me on the sofa a sharp pain goes through me and I let out a scream which catches Alex and Ely's attention, when they get to me Ely sits me on her lap thinking I was having a panic attack but this is no panic attack pain that I know but I don't know what this pain is of.

"Aly what's wrong" Alex asks me as he takes a seat next to Ely

"My body hurts" I say as another sharp pain hits me

"Where does it hurt Aly" Ely asks me as she places her hand on my forehead

"All over Ely, everything hurts" I say just before we all hear one of my bones brake making me scream even louder

"Aly I want you to try and relax your body okay" Ely says as she looks at me

"I cant it hurts" I say as another bone cracks making me scream once again

"I know it hurts but its because your shifting in to your wolf, do you want me to sing to you so you can relax" Alex says as he takes me from Ely's arms while I nod my head in a yes motion

As Alex sings to me I start to relax and I lean in to him smelling his scent which helps me relax even more, every time a bone would crack he would hold me closer to him which helped me relax. By the time I had fully shifted in to my wolf I was laying down on the floor while Ely and Alex were looking at me with their eyes open wide as well as their mouths, I walked to the mirror and saw that my wolf was solid black with ice blue eyes which made me turn to look at Alex and Ely before I walked up to them.

"Aly I want you to imagine yourself as if you were looking in to a mirror checking out the clothing that you were wearing so you can shift back" Alex said

I did as he told me and I shifted in to what I was wearing just before I shifted in to my wolf, Ely pulled me in to a hug and held me in her arms just as Alex joined us in the hug.

"We are so proud of you Aly but we have to keep your shift and wolfs color a secret okay, nobody can know that your wolf is solid black with ice blue eyes understand" Alex said as he looked at me

"Yeah but we can still tell mom and dad right" I asked

"Yeah, we can tell mom and dad" he said as he pulled Ely and I in to a hug

When we pulled away his eyes went white which meant someone was mind linking him, when his eyes were back to normal he picked me up and looked at Ely before we headed out of our hid out and headed towards the pack hospital. When we got there we were told that dad had died during the attack and mom was in critical condition, we were taken to her room and we saw her with her eyes open looking at the wall in front of her. When she saw us she smiled and asked us to get near her, Alex placed me down on the floor and I ran to mom and hugged her as I let me tears fall for the loss of my daddy.

"Alex, Ely I want you both to promise that you will take care of Aly. I want you both to teach her to wait for her mate and how to be a responsible young lady with morals, I want you both to promise that no matter what you will stay by her side and always look out for her best understand" mom said as she held me in her arms

"We promise mom" Alex said

A few minutes after them making that promise, mommy died and I was left only with Alex and Ely who were now my new parents. Ely held me in her arms during the funeral of all the pack members who had died during the rouge attack, when we got home I made them promise me that they would never leave me alone and that they would teach me how to fight so I would be able to defend myself. Since we lived in the town they would be able to train me without having the alpha and luna know that they were doing so without getting in to trouble, Ely took me to my room and told me to take a nap before dinner so I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over me.

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