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When I open the door and walk in Edmundo, Angelo and Gavino walk up to me right away as I start to look around and try to find where my mates scent is coming from, when I don't find her we head to the bar and we saw Alessandro and Eleonora who were getting something to drink but what caught my attention is that my mates scent is on them.

"Alessandro, Eleonora how are you both doing tonight" I asked as they turn and look at me

"We are doing good Alpha, how is your night going" Alex asked as they bow their heads in respect

"I'm doing good, who do I smell on you. It seems I cant recognize who the scent belongs to, are they from this pack or someone from the town" I ask being careful not to let them on on my true intentions of why I want to know who the scent belongs to

"Oh, its my sister Alessandra. She must be around here some where with her friends, we can find her for you so you can meet her" Alex said

"No that's fine, I was just wondering why you both had a scent on you that I had not smelled before but enjoy the celebration" I said as I grabbed my drink and walked away with the boys

"What was all that about" Angelo asked

"It seems that Alessandro's sister is my mate, what do you know about her" I asked as we went to our table

"Well she turned sixteen about a month ago, long dark black hair, nude color skin, by the way she goes to the gym and does weights she would be a good fighter if trained properly, no one knows if she has shifted or not" Angelo said as he took a drink from his cup

"How in the hell do you know all that about her" Edmundo asked as we all looked at him

"How is it that you know more about my mate then I do" I asked still looking at him

"She is my sister Angelica's friend since they were in diapers and because I am looking at her right now, with do all respect alpha she is looking rather sexy in that red dress with black details on it" Angelo said as we all turned to see where he was looking at

When I looked at her my wolf started to howl in happiness of finally finding our mate, she was wearing a beautiful red silk dress with black details on it, the dress hugged her in the right places making her look like a model. I continued to keep an eye on her and where ever she went I would go, I made Angelo stay with me because if she and her friends saw us they would think that Angelo was keeping an eye on his sister.

After awhile when all the pack members that had found their mates were called to the center of the meeting hall for their first dance as mates, she walked back to her brother and his mate saying something to them before walking out of the meeting hall. I followed her making sure that no one saw me going after her as the boys were talking and walking next to me, when we were finally out of the meeting room they went towards the living room while I headed out of the pack house and started to follow my mates scent.

I followed her scent until I got to the lake where I saw her dress, her shoes and the accessories she was wearing on the grass. I started to look around the area but I couldn't see her although I knew that she was here since her scent was strong and I was sure she wouldn't go anywhere without her clothing, when I was about to walk out of the tree line I heard water splashing and I looked towards it. As I looked towards the water I saw her swimming in the lake, I wanted to take my eyes off of her but looking at her without any clothing just made it difficult to do so. At some point during the time I was looking at her I ended up taking all of my clothing off as well, I slowly started to walk towards the water without making any noise and got in the water still watching her swimming.

With out notice I was pulled under water and by the sparks I was feeling I knew it was Aly, when I got out of the water I saw her looking at me and as soon as she realized who I was she bowed her head and you could tell that she was embarrassed as she tried to hid her body under the water.

"I'm sorry alpha I didn't know it was you" she said as she kept her head down

"Call me Domenico but tell me why are you out here by yourself, you can get hurt" I said

"I can take care of myself Domenico" she said still not looking at me

"What's your name" I asked her

"Alessandra Mendez but everybody calls me Aly" she said

"Look at me Aly" I said as I placed my finger under her chin and made her look in to my eyes

As soon as our eyes met my hand went from holding her chin to caressing her cheek, I couldn't stop hearing my wolf howling and saying MATE over and over again. Before either of us could say anything I placed my lips on her and started to kiss her, at first she was in shock but then started to kiss me back. I placed both of my hands on her waist as she placed both of her hands around my neck, I pulled her up and she automatically placed her legs around my waist as I started to walk out of the water before I slowly lowered us down on the grass as we continued to kiss.

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