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When we were kissing as we were laying down on the grass, I could feel his hands touching every inch of my body. Where ever he touched my body all I could feel were sparks that were drive me crazy, when I felt his mouth kissing my soft spot just between my shoulder and my neck I let out a loud moan which made him smile.

I couldn't focused on anything at all I was only aware of Domenico and his kisses, his soft touch, his breath on my body and his silky black hair that was brushing against my body as he moved his head. I could feel his hands all over me, his soft erotic voice felt like music to my ears which made me lose all strength and had now become a terrible mess of nerves and sensation as all I could do now was gasp and say Domenico's name as if it was a prayer.

"Domenico....." I said

As if on cue, he made space between my legs and thrusted in to me but then he suddenly stopped, there was something in his way. He looked at me as our body's were covered in sweat and I had tightly shut my eyes close and was biting on my lower lip to stop my cries of pain.

"Are you....a virgin Alessandra" he asked me in disbelief

I slowly opened my eyes and nodded my head in a yes motion, he tried to pull himself out from me but I held his hips to stop him as tears fell from my eyes due to the slight pain I was feeling.

Domenico bend his head and kissed my tears away then started to nibble on my lower lip, after awhile he started to say some soothing words in my ear and I started to relax. Just when he realized that I was ready for him, he started thrusting in to me hard and fast, not long after I reached my climax and he followed right after me. That night we had made love a few more times that I lost track of how many since we fell asleep sometime after the last time we finished, when I woke up the next morning as the early morning sun light had woken me up he was putting his clothing on.

He turned towards me and when I saw his face I knew that what he was going to say I was not going to like, he finished putting on his suite jacket and looked directly in to my eyes and without any regret he said the only phrase I hoped never to hear from my mate.

"I alpha Domenico Vega reject you Alessandra Mendez as my mate and luna to my pack" and with that said with out any regret he turned and walked away, I was left there in shock for who knows how long and only when I heard my phone go off did I come out of it.

"Hello" I answered

"Aly where are you, we have been looking for you all night" Alex said

"I'm at the lake" I said as I hung up and started to put on my dress and sat under an oak tree and started to cry

When Alex and Ely got to me I was still crying, they both hugged me and just held me until I was some what composed.

"What happened Aly, your scaring us" Alex said

"He rejected me Alex, after we mated most of the night he just got up put his clothing back on and rejected me before walking away" I said as I started to choke at the end

"Who was it Aly, I'm going to go and beat the crap out of him right now" Alex said really mad

"If you do, you will end up in the cells for it. Can we just move away from here please, I don't want to continue being here where I will see him with some other she wolf" I said as I looked at him with tears running down my face

"Okay, I just need to tell the alpha and give him all the accounting information of the pack though" he said

"No don't tell him that we are leaving please, just sent him all the accounting information to his email so we can go away with out him trying to stop us" I said as I looked between him and Ely in desperation

"Why don't you want me to tell him Aly" he asked and I just looked down to my hand that were on my lap

"Oh Aly, don't worry lets go home and pack everything so we can leave tonight that way he wont try and stop us from taking you away from here" Ely said as she pulled me in to her arms

"Why would he want to stop us from taking you away from here" Alex asked as he looked at Ely holding me in her arms

"Because he is her mate" Ely said as she held me even tighter

"Is that true Aly, is the alpha your mate and that's why you don't want him to know" Alex asked me as he made me look at him

"Yes" I said as I started to cry once again

"I'm sorry lets just go and start packing our things, get the van and your car loaded with the essentials and rent a moving fan to take the furniture and other things that we don't want to carry with in the car but so they can also pull the van while I drive your car" Alex said as he picked me up bridal style and we headed home

On our way to our house I had fallen asleep and before we got home my friends stopped us.

"What happened to her" Angelica asked as she passed her hand through my hair

"Her mate rejected her after he mated with her" Ely said but I could since some anger as well as sadness in her voice

"We just hope she didn't end up pregnant" Alex said as he started to walk away form my friends

When we were about to make it to the house I was starting to be fully wake and was about to open my eyes but I started to smell Domenico and kept my eyes close, I didn't want him to see that I had been crying.

"What is wrong with your sister Alex, why are you caring her in your arms. Is she hurt, did something happened to her" someone asked

"We found her by the lake asleep after she called us and asked us to go get her" Ely said

"What was she doing there" another person asked

"She said that she was with her mate but he rejected her after mating with her, I just hope she didn't end up pregnant" Alex answered

"Please excuse us we want to take her home and let her rest, we don't know what all happened or was said we just got the short version of it so we want to get home and let her rest and allow her to process everything that happened to her before we ask any questions or she decides to tell us by herself" Ely said

Alex started to walk again and after a few minutes he had laid me down on the sofa while Ely covered my with the blanket mom made for me, when she was going to get up I grabbed her hand and she sat down while playing with my hair until I fell asleep again. When I woke up I walked up to my room and locked the door so no one would walk in on me while I packed some clothing and money in a duffle bag, I had decided that I couldn't take my brother and his mate away and leave the pack with out the person responsible about their account. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Domenico and placed it on my bed before I opened the window and climbed down before running to my bike and rolling it out of the drive way away from the house before I got on it placing the duffle bag on my back like if it was a back pack and drove away, I wanted to get away from this area as soon as possible since the more distance I put between me and this place the closer I got to my new destination and who knows where that was just yet.

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