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When we saw Aly walk towards Bennedeta and her sisters as she spoke to them, we were all on high alert since we didn't know what was going to happened. Then out of nowhere there was a wall of fire around them before Aly turned to see Cole and then to Alex and his mate, when she turned around back to Bennedeta and her sisters there were three other wolves there with them. I looked at the guys and they were already looking at me before we turned around and saw them charge at Aly, when I was about to jump in and help her we saw how she tore open two of the three wolves stomach making them bleed. She then saw the other wolf charge at her and she threw him out of the wall of fire before it got bigger, when I turned towards it my father had already grabbed him and was holding him for the guards that were heading towards him before he released him to them and walked to stand by my side.

We continued to see Aly fighting with Bennedeta and her sisters, when Bianca charged at her she grabbed her before she broke her neck and you could tell that she was still on high alert. She then wrapped her snout around Elena's neck breaking it before she dropped her lifeless body to the ground before she turned to Bennedeta who changed into her human form as well as Aly, the only difference was that Aly was fully clothed and Bennedeta wasn't as she charged to Aly only for Aly to raise her hand and grab her by her neck as she squeezed until we all heard her neck snap just before Aly dropped her body down next to her sisters. Little by little the wall of fire was lowered and when we looked at Aly she was standing looking at them, Alex and Ely who was still holding Cole went and stood next to her as Alex wrapped one arm around her shoulders before they all turned around and Aly's eyes were back to normal and walked until they were in front of me and my father.

"I don't need anyone to kill me when I am already dying, the only thing I want is to spend the rest of the time I have left with my son so keep your pack under control or what happened to those five will happened to who ever goes after me or mine" Aly said as she took Cole in her arms and walked away leaving everybody with their mouths wide open because of what she had said

"Aly where are you going" Alex asked

"Home" she said

"We will be there in a few minutes" Ely said

"I'm not going back to mom and dad's house, I am going to my house" she said

"Aly do you want us to come" Angelica asked her

"No girl, not today and please don't tell anyone where my house is" Aly said as she looked at me

"Aly, please tell us where your going" mom asked her

"You know where to find me" she said as she looked at mom and dad

She then walked away to one of the cars and grabbed her stuff and that of Cole, she then started to walk away from everybody who was looking at her until Cedro called out to her.

"Aly, your car is in the garage under the tarp" he said

"Thanx Cedro" she said as she headed to the garage before we head a car turn on and then saw the black convertible mustang pull out and drive away before it stopped and she got out of the car opening the hood before taking something out of it

"I guess she found the tracker" Angelo said

And just at that moment we heard the hood close and then Aly throw the tracker at Angelica who had a big smile on her face before she drove away, my father placed a hand on my shoulder and when I looked at him he motioned me to follow him with his head as my mother placed her hand around his waist walking next to us. When we got to his office, we all walked in and my father activated the sound proof so no body heard what was going to be said.

"Now tell me, what is this about Aly dying" my father asked

"Well, it seems when Domenico rejected her Aly got an "L" on her left ankle and then an "X" on top of it. For what Aly and the doctor told us, the "L" means Luna and the "X" on it means that she no longer is do to rejection or her mate mating and marking another as his. She has been dying slowly since then but then someone shot her on the chest and she is dying faster than she had been, we don't know how long she has left to live" Angelo said

"Is there a cure or a way to stop it from happening" mom asked

"The only way is for me to mate and mark her as mine" I said

"And why haven't you done it" my father asked

"Aly doesn't want anything to do with him alpha" Alex said

"She tried to kill herself three weeks after she left, only to wake up at the hospital were she was born and find out that she was pregnant with Cole which gave her the strength to continue living for her son" Ely said

"So there isn't anything we can do to convince her to safe herself for the sake of Cole" mom asked

"No Luna" Alex said as tears fell from his and Eleonora's eyes

"We will go talk to her, maybe we can talk her into it" my dad said

"And how are you going to do that, we don't know where her house is" I said

"You all may not know where her house is but we do" mom said

"Since when" I asked

"Since the day that Cole was born" mom said as she looked at me with sad eyes


"That's why she came back a week before she gave birth, she called me and told me to meet her at her house. When we got there we found out about Cole, a few days later she went into labor and I was by her side while your father staid close by as the alpha to keep her and your son alive" my mother said

Before anybody said anything they stood up and walked out of the office by the time that we all reacted we ran down the stairs but mom and dad where already gone, when we asked which way they had gone they said that they went through the forest in their wolf form. We ran to the forest and tried to catch their scent but got nothing which meant that they had masked their scent so we could follow them, we returned to the pack house and found Aly's friends and before I could ask them anything they said that my father had told them not to tell us anything in his alpha voice which meant that we wouldn't get anything from them.

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