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I was laying in my bed thinking about the kiss that Domenico and I shared down stair on the sofa, the way his hands were all over my body as he attacked my soft spot making me moan. I was so into remembering everything that I didn't realize that I was touching myself, I got up and walked to the guess room where Domenico was staying and I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds to see if Domenico was awake but I didn't hear him so I opened the door to see him laying down on his back with his hands behind his head. I walked in and closed the door as I made my way to the bed, I sat on the bed before I laid down just as Domenico turned side ways and laid his hand on my waist as he pulled me to him making me feel his hard dick against my ass making me release a soft moan before he started to kiss the back of my neck as he lowered his hand down to my thigh before he made his way up under my t-shirt.

When he realized that I wasn't wearing anything he didn't hold himself any more as he turned me on my back and ripped my t-shirt off before taking his boxers off and he started to kiss me as he rubbed himself on my wet pussy making both of us moan. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair pulling it like I had done earlier making him groan, he looked into my eyes just before he lowered his face until our lips locked together moving together. His hands were all over my body and when they landed on my right thigh he moved it to get better access to my wet pussy as he coated his dick with my juices, when he was at my entrance he looked at me as he caressed my face with one hand as I brought my legs up and around his waist pulling him towards me as he entered me as I moaned at the feeling of him being inside of me once again. He lowered his face and connected his lips to mine as he moved slowly in and out, at this moment I was glad that all the rooms in my house were sound proof.

"Goddess baby, how I missed being inside of you like this" he said

"I missed you too" I said

"I want to make you scream my name over and over again just like the first time we were together but I am afraid we will wake up Cole" he said as he continued to go in and out of me without breaking eye contact

"Well good thing all the room are sound proof" I said

"Well that is a good thing" he says with a wicked smile on

Before I can react he starts to slam into me over and over again, making me moan and scream out his name over and over just like he had said he would and it got to the point that it sound more like a mantra.

"Yeah baby girl, keep saying my name" he groaned as he went faster

"Domenico, I'm coming" I say as he goes even faster

"I'm right behind you baby, I'm almost there with you" he says

"Domenico" I say

"Yes, baby say my name" he answers

When we are about to hit our climax, I grab the hair on the back of his head and pull on it making him groan in approval and when we make eye contact and we realize that his canines are extended.

"May I mark my Luna, mate and mother of my son, please" he says as we keep eye contact

I turn my head showing off my soft spot and before I can react he starts to kissing and sucking on my soft spot making me moan, he starts to slam into me faster than before getting us to the point of climax and just as he scrapes his canines over my soft spot I reach my climax realizing my juices all over his dick making him climax as he bites down on my soft spot making me climax for a second time as he holds me still so I wouldn't hurt myself as he still had his canines in me. When he pulled out his canines out he licked it clean until it had healed and completely closed, he then pulls out of me and turns to lay on his back as he pulls me so I am laying on his chest just like we had when we mated for the first time.

We lay there not saying anything just listening to each others breathing trying to catch it, he turns to me and as soon as we caught our breath I started to kiss his chest making him moan in approval which brought a smile to my face. When I look up at him he is already looking down at me with a big smile on his face, he reaches down and he kisses me as he pulls me closer to him and just like an instinct I climb on top of him placing one leg on side of his waist straddling him before I start to grind against him making both of us moan into the kiss as he places his hands on my hips making me grin faster just before he lifts me up and slams me on to his hard, thick and long dick making me scream and almost climax. We continued to kiss and he continues to slam in and out of me, he suddenly sits up and hugs me as he holds me by my waist as he starts to kiss down my jaw until he hits my mark making me climax for the third time tonight as I lean onto his soft spot and scrape my canines against it making him lean his head to the left as he hold me on it placing his hand on the back of my head before he grabs my hair just like I had done and holds me until I sink my canines into him making him climax as he tightens his hold on both my waist and the back of my hair until he feels me pull my canines out and start to lick and clean until it had closed and fully healed.

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