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When we got home Cole headed to his room to watch some TV as I went in to my room and put the stuff from my luggage away in their proper place, I then went to Cole's room and saw that he had fallen asleep watching TV so I turned it off and started to put his stuff away. When I was finishing I got a text from Domenico's mother saying that they were heading this way in their wolf form, I went outside and placed some clothing I had for them here from the few times they had come to see Cole when we were here visiting my friends and them.

"Hello sweetie, where is Cole" Andrea(Domenico's mother) asked

"He is sleeping in his room" I said

"Well we will see him when he wakes up then" Mathew(Domenico's father) said

"Would you like something drink something" I asked

"Water will be fine" Mathew said

"Okay I will be right back" I said as I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink for everybody

When I got back to the living room with Mathew and Andrea looking at the new photos of Cole and me, when they heard me place the tray on the coffee table they turned around and grabbed a glass of lemonade before we all sat down on the sofas.

"Have you planned Cole's birthday yet" Angela asked

"No, not yet" I said

"Do you need us to help you get everything ready for his birthday" Mathew asked

"I don't know if I will be doing a birthday party for him this year, I don't know where I would do it or who I would invite all his friends are in New Mexico" I said

"He has his family here Aly, his father, uncle, aunt and other people who cared for you" Angela said

"I don't know I would have to talk to him about it first, even though he knows who his father is I don't want to pressure him to see and talk to him" I said

"How about you Aly, we know what has to be done to save your life. We know you still love Domenico even though you deny it every chance you get, he loves you too Aly if he didn't he wouldn't have been all over the map looking for you or planted that tracker on your car if he didn't" Mathew said

"For what we have been told, the guys had to hold him back when you were kissing some guy in your car in New Mexico and then when he kissed you and then laid on your lap at the beach. He really wants to be with you Aly, he broke up with Bennedeta when he smelled you when you were helping get everything ready for the celebration to the Moon Goddess which led to her and her sisters to attack you and shoot you" Andrea said

"I don't know Andrea, yes I still love him but it still hurts what he did to me all those years ago. I would have to think about all this before I make a decision on what to do, I just hope that the Moon Goddess can help me make the right decision for the sake of Cole" I said

"Well we better get back but think about what we said Aly, at least let us plan Cole's birthday party at the pack so he can meet other kids and make new friends" Andrea said

"Okay" I said

They stood up and walked to the door, when they were outside they said their goodbyes and shifted heading towards the pack house. If only Domenico knew that we were staying just a few minutes away from where we last saw each other when he rejected me, I went back inside the house and finished making dinner for me and Cole.



We were outside about to go into the forest to try and find my parents when they showed up and they smelled like Aly which meant that they had been with her and Cole, I waited for them to be in front of me before I asked any questions.

"How's Aly, alpha" Alex asked

"She is thinking about what we talked about but for now we need to plan a birthday party" mom said

"And whos birthday is it" I asked

"Your sons" dad said with a big smile on his face

"When is his birthday so we know how many days we have to prepare for the party" Angelo asked

"It will be in this Saturday" Angelica said

"What" we all said

"He was born on your birthday alpha, that's why your parents weren't here when the pack through the surprise party" Arianna said

"Well that and because the music would keep you from hearing Shadow call for you" Cedro said

When they said that I turned and walked in to the pack house and up to my room, I sat on the bed and thought about that day five years ago when my parents had to leave do to an emergency and couldn't stay for the party. They were with Aly as she gave birth to our son, knowing that made a smile paint itself on my face but at the same time I was sad because I was so close to them and I wasn't there when he was born. If I hadn't rejected Aly that day at the lake, I would have been there to see my son be born on my birthday which would be the best birthday present she could have given me. I was pulled out of my thoughtful daze by someone knocking on my door, I looked up from my hands and called out to who ever it was to come in.

"Can we talk" mom asked

"Yeah" I said as I looked down to my hands once again

"Look Domenico, I know that you regret your actions but you don't have to show that to us but to Aly and if you want her back you have to do something about it. She still loves you but she is still hurt because of the rejection, if you want them back you have to proof you want them back show them you regret rejecting her instead of keeping her in your arms like your supposed to do" mom said

"And how do I do that" I asked

"You will figure it out, listen to your wolf he will guide you" mom said

When she left I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, I haven't let Max take over since she left to help me find her because I wanted to do it by myself but now I had to do it if I wanted to find Aly and Cole. I walked out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door. I let Max take over but not fully, he lifted our head up and started to walk into the forest towards the lake where I mated with Aly before I rejected her leaving her there by herself. We then turned towards a pathway that led to a house that over saw the lake, I staid in the tree line wanting to find out who was in the house before I got near and just before I was about to walk away I saw Aly and Cole through the living room window laughing and I masked my scent and walked up to the door knocking and waiting for her or Cole to open the door still letting Max be in control so our eyes would stay dark brown instead of my regular light brown ones.

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