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When we saw Aly walked in to the café wearing that outfit that showed off her every curve I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she looked so beautiful wearing that tight skin black dress. When she walked in she was greeted by the people who were at the cash register before she walked up the stairs that were next to were the barista was, a few minutes later the barista went up stairs with her coffee and took a little to much time for my liking. When he came back he went behind the bar and continued to making the orders, when Aly came down stairs he went to her and placed his hand around her waist as he walked her out to her car.

"Calm down Dom, he might be just a friend" Angelo said as he made me turn to him

"I don't think so" Edmundo said

As I turned to were Aly's car was I saw how the guy had his head in the car in front of her face and she had her hand on the back of his head, when he pulled his head out they were smiling and to be honest I was more the mad I was pissed as hell. When he walked in he had a smile on his face, I wanted to go up to him and wipe that smile off his face.

"So what is with that smile" the girl asked

"Well you know why, you still going with us to the beach tomorrow" he asked

"Yeah what time and where are we meeting at" she asked

"We are going to be near the boardwalk where Cole likes to go before heading home, we are thinking about being there around eight before it gets to crowded and to hot" he said

I turned to look at everybody who were already looking at me, we got up and went to the car and we headed to the beach where the guy said they would be at just to find out that they would be at was the one in front of the hotel where we were staying at. When we walked in to the hotel we asked if it was this is the only beach that had the boardwalk on it and they said yes, that also gave us an idea about Aly living close by here since they always went on the walk before going home.


We woke up early and headed to the pool bar that over looked the beach, after waiting for about ten minutes we saw Aly, the guy and the girl who work at the café and a little boy in the guys left arm while his right was around Aly's waist as they all smiled. I got up at the same time that everybody did and we headed to the beach masking our scents, so Aly wouldn't be able to smell us which for the way that they were all acting she hasn't noticed us yet. They got to a spot and started to set up their things, when they were done setting their towels down Aly took the little boy and the guy placed the umbrella's before they sat down and pulled out drinks from the cooler that they had with them.

"Mommy can I go to the water please" the little boy said

"I don't know, can you" Aly asked him

"Well I can but may I go to the water" the little boy asked

"Yes you can little man" the guy said as he picked up the little boy taking him to the water and playing with him

"So how you feel to see your pack here the other day" the girl asked

"I was glad to see my brother and Ely" Aly said

"There is a but in there" the girl that we now know is Aby said

"Aby you and Mike have known me since I started to working at the café before Jorge sold it to me so you know about my past, how do you think I felt about seeing everybody else" Aly said

"Aly you knew he was looking for you since you left so why act like you didn't know, Angelica told you he would be heading this way about three days ago" the girl said

"I know that but now I have to worry about him seeing Cole, I have been hiding from everybody since the day he rejected me and now he is here and I don't know what I will do or how I am going to act when I have him in front of me" Aly said

"Why are you so afraid of him Aly, what does he have against you" Aby asked her

"He is the alpha of my pack" Aly said

"And Mike is the alpha of his, he is only helping at the café because his father wants him to know what it is like to earn money the hard way before he takes over of the pack" Aby said

"Let me put it this way Aby, Domenico is the alpha of the strongest pack in the whole state. While Mike will be the alpha of the second strongest pack of the state, even if Mike and Domenico go head to head Domenico and Mike would have a fair fight. If they go pack against pack, Domenico's pack would have the upper hand going ten against one, do you know what that means I wouldn't know what to do if it got to that" Aly said

"Hey baby don't worry, everybody in my pack is willing to fight for their future luna" Mike said as he kissed her

He then sat down next to her and laid his head on her lap looking up at her, we couldn't tell what was going on but I didn't like it one bit. I wanted to get up and go get him off of her but when I was going to I was being held back by everybody, when I looked towards where they were they had started to pack everything and they headed to the car and left everything before they headed to the boardwalk where they bought an ice cream before leaving. We followed them and found out where Aly lived, what I didn't like was that Mike had staid while Aby had left in her car as Mike, Aly and Cole waving goodbye.

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